文章來源: lunamia2008-07-27 06:39:48

"在亮亮還上小學的時候逛YARD SALE,看到有一個牆上的掛物上寫的TEEN CREED 很好就買回家。後來一直掛在他的房間裏。昨天看子女壇一下子湧現出許多大詩人,就把這首抄下來與大家分享。"


Teen Creed

Don't let your parents down, they brought you up
Be humble enough to obey, You may give orders someday.
Choose companions with care, you become what they are.
Guard your thoughts; what you think, you are.
Choose only a date who would make a good mate.
Be master of your habits or they will master you.
Don't be a showoff when you drive, drive with safety and arrive.
Don't let the crowd pressure you; stand for something ─ or you'll fall
for anything.


- 不要讓你的父母失望,他們養育了你。
- 要謙虛地服從,因為有朝一日你也會給別人發號施令。
- 近朱者赤近墨者黑,所以,小心選擇夥伴。
- 慎思,三思而行。
- 交約會朋友隻能選擇使你愉快的朋友。
- 做習慣的主人,否則習慣將支配你。
- 開車時不要顯擺,安全到達第一。
- 不要人雲亦雲,要有主見,否則將來你會在某事上栽跟頭。

音樂《Dancing Queen》


(By Lunamia收藏)