Decemberists - Shankill Butchers
文章來源: 葳蕤2009-10-11 14:35:36
Shankill Butchers是上世紀70年代出現在北愛爾蘭的一個半軍事組織,以深夜暴力綁架和酷刑殘殺無辜平民和教徒而著名。帶頭者是Lenny Murphy。他們最終被官方捕獲和消滅,但是仍得到Shakill社區民眾的畏懼和尊敬。
像一首古老的兒歌,以媽媽的口吻講一個恐怖而憂傷的故事。正適合這個陰冷多雨潮濕的秋天和即將來臨的萬聖節。Booh! :)

Decemberists的版本和Sarah Jarosz.


Sarah Jarosz

The shankill butchers ride tonight
You better shut your windows tight
They're sharpening their cleavers and their knives
And taking all their whiskey by the pint
'Cause everybody knows
If you don't mind your mother's words
A wicked wind will blow
Your ribbons from your curls
Everybody moan, everybody shake,
The shankill butchers wanna catch you

They used to be just like me and you
They used to be sweet little boys
But something went horribly askew
Now killing is their only source of joy
'cause everybody knows...

The shankill butchers on the rise
They're waiting till the dead of night
They're picking at their fingers with their knives
And wiping off their cleavers on their thighs
'Cause everybody knows...

The shankill butchers wanna catch you
The shankill butchers wanna cut you
The shankill butchers wanna catch you