I LOVE YOU by 梨花侵夢 感謝大家!
文章來源: 梨花侵夢2012-09-02 20:04:10





好多新鮮事,始於我想掉幾磅肉肉。三項衣服,換檔自行車,自由泳換去了蛙泳,留著腿力騎車和跑,騎車上大坡,風馳電掣般下坡。行人讓車,鳥粑粑砸腦袋。爆胎等路邊。臨賽前兩晚失眠隻睡五小時,等等。。。。。。經曆生活的觸動,感動,行動。沒覺得苦,真的很開心。那天開賽前,誰大喊一聲,proud to be girls,let's have FUN!




I Love You


I love you
say we're together baby
you and me

I can only give my life
And show you all I am
In the breath I breathe

I will promise you my heart
And give you all you need
If it takes some time

If you tell me you don't need me anymore
That our love won't last forever no
I will ask you for a chance to try again
To make our love a little better woh

I love you
Say we're together, baby
Say we're together, woh
I need you
I need you forever baby
You and me

Say you hardly know
Exactly who I am
So hard to understand

I knew right from the start
The way I felt inside
If you read my mind

If you tell me you don't need me anymore
That our love won't last forever no
I will ask you for a chance to try again
To make our love a little better oh

Remember when you used to hold me
Remember when you made me cry
You said you loved me
Oh you did
yes you do