Outline of Isaiah
文章來源: 追求永生2006-12-13 12:29:56

Outline of Isaiah

  1. Isaiah of Jerusalem--First Isaiah (8th century B.C.E.) (1-39)
    1. Series of oracles, all but twelve by Isaiah of Jerusalem (1-12)
    2. Oracles against foreign nations, many composed after the 8th century (13-23)
    3. The Isaiah Apocalypse, from the Persian period (24-27)
    4. Prophecies by Isaiah (28-33)
    5. Late additions (34-35)
    6. Historical narrative section, parallel to 2 Kings 18-20 (36-39)
  2. Isaiah of the Exile--Second Isaiah (mid 6th century B.C.E.) (40-55)
    1. Concerning the Fall of Babylon (40-48)
    2. The pursuit of justice (49-55)
  3. Isaiah of the Restoration--Third Isaiah (late 6th century B.C.E.) (56-66)