there is always a bull somewhere, TTH
文章來源: noMatter2006-10-04 18:03:04
smh, swh, bbh, hhh... all so yesterday

TTH the bull for next year,

probably risking stating the obvious but I think we finally found the next killer app, after email for the web 1.0, the video,

my wife just picked a Palm treo 750w a few days ago and she has been lost in taking videos of kids, and will be sending to grandma's in China soon.

think about the potentially x100 times traffic increase on the fiber pipes, switches and routers,

for the last 5 years the telecom service providers and corp customers have been just trying to get through days while absorbing the huge capacity. My guess is that the capacity will be overwelmed very soon.


the other big trend is wireless data. RIMM is _THE_ poster kid. One of my friends was telneting from his Blackberry into his servers in NY while vocating in China. The world is shrinking... because of Blackberry.

like always, smart money already painted the tape with TTH. But it's still early. Game on.