Good Bye Mercedes (Benz)
文章來源: 瘋狂丫頭2006-09-15 19:46:29
Ring! Ring!
It was late, as usual I awaked
wit suit and dress shoes, by taxi no benz
在這酷熱下舉手等著taxi… Holy…
no doubt..我已經失去了你,隻能看著墻上照片去懷戀你
每天television都有不同的廣告 u kno 我從國外回來 我不懂這些
飛度 軒逸 新寳來 凱美瑞 WTF 這讓我更加想念你
坐在計程車上thinkin bout u…現在你在哪裏
你見證了我多少的愛情,也知道我多少de秘密 hahah
I really miz my ride. Even though我不再擁有你
I hope to hold u again once in muh life
第一眼見到你 怯步~地轉天旋
老天 Won't You Buy Me A Mercedes
不停工作為了你 4 you babi
Work all day 4 little money
Wait for delivery each day until lately
Oh Lord, Won't You Buy Me A Mecedes
Oh Lord, I want the street belong 2 me
finally我擁有了你Look At Me How Can It Be
我要計算你們的envy...ur envy creates my engery
爲了逃離那該死的愛 我失去了你 一切有又回到從前 fuck
老天你爲什麽要let me down
On muh knees I Beg Of You A black Mercedes Benz
On muh knees I Beg Of You A black Mercedes Benz