To Be One in Christ:We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay(18)1-II
文章來源: servantOfChrist2007-01-12 03:12:27

To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (18) - 1 - II

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 1 of 2 PETER

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

(5) The situation of the believers who possess the spiritual virtues abundantly (1:8-11)

In these verses, on one hand, it draws a conclusion from the above encouragements, and points out that if the believers can make effort to pursue the several virtues mentioned above, they will not be fruitless. On the other hand, the believers are encouraged to make more efforts to practice the above teachings. Thus, they will enter the everlasting kingdom of LORD Christ richly. Here, it talks about the situation of the believers who possess the spiritual virtues abundantly:

A. The believers should not be ineffective and unproductive (1:8)

2 PETERS 1:8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.


“possess these qualities in increasing measure”:

It emphasizes that the believers not only should have the above virtues, but also should have them abundantly and increasingly. If they always have good testimonies of life and live according to the new life, they will naturally make accomplishment spiritually. The meaning of “in increasing measure” and that of “ and to” are complementary. “and to” indicates that the believers continue in pursuing more kinds of virtues so that to have more good qualities and be more like LORD. While “in increasing measure” pays attention to the abundance of the amount and quality of all kinds of virtues. Not only one should have faith, but also should add to goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, love and so on. Not only the believers should possess these qualities, but also should have them abundantly and increasingly. After the believers become like LORD from one aspect because of the grace of LORD, they should continue in practicing repeatedly and learning so that they will really be more like LORD, have more of the character of LORD, and more rich experience and achievements.

The reason that we can have these spiritual virtues is because we have the life of God and the divine nature of God. The only problem that we have now is how to let the new life display the highest “performance” and show all kinds of heavenly glorious beauty. We are like the instruments -- the jars of clay (2Co 4:7) and are filled with the life of God inside; we should let the life of God disclosed from this instrument and be revealed. How to let this life be revealed? We should give Him many “exits”. We should have more complete and free “exits” for God in our life, and let the life of God be revealed completely from the “exits” for all kinds of spiritual virtues; all that are shown are our spiritual virtues. This is what it means to “possess these qualities in increasing measure”.

“For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”:

It shows that the virtues and the attitude to make every effort is the secret and the way to be productive. If we do not want to be ineffective and unproductive, we should practice these things and let God in us live these virtues completely and freely.

Here, it also tells us that we should bear fruit in our knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should not know Jesus Christ in vain and be unworthy of His grace; but should look on “being ineffective and unproductive” as the abnormal situation, which we should be watchful to avoid, so that we won’t become ineffective and unproductive.

“being ineffective” is also translated as “being idle” (A.M.P.), which is in contrast to “diligence” in verse 5 “For this very reason, [5]adding your diligence [to the divine promises], ” (A.M.P.). When one is diligent and makes every effort, the virtues listed above will show.

Being idle and ineffective will be unproductive. As to the Christians in this generation full of all kinds of evils, temptations and treacherousness, if they are idle and ineffective, they will be unproductive, make no progress, and be unwilling to work and fight. Those who are idle hope others to take care of everything for them, and they hope that others will make everything prepared to let them enjoy.

Many Christians think that they will be good believers as long as they do not commit any crime; but they do not know that they might be the idle and ineffective believers. Although they do not commit adultery and stealing, they might be unproductive and make no progress. And on the spiritual journey, making no progress is equal to falling back and will be easy to fall into the temptations.

Why did LORD Jesus reproach the wicked servant and say that he was a wicked and lazy servant (Mat 25:26)? Where does his wickedness show? His wickedness is shown on his laziness! He did not commit murder or arson, but he hid the talent that his master entrusted him. He let all the good chances pass away without doing the work, and thought that to keep the original talents will not mean losing in the business, but actually only to keep the original amount does mean losing in the business. He should use what is entrusted to him by the master to make money and add on the original amount, so that he did not waste the grace of his master supplied to him. We believers have the knowledge of life and godliness through knowing God, and receive all kinds of gifts through the Holy Spirit of Christ; however, if we do not live the corresponding life and do our own work, we sin.

B. The danger of making no effort to grow (1:9)

2 PETERS 1:9 But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.


“But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind”:

Those who do not make effort to grow in the above virtues and do not have the above virtues that they should have, are blind. In another word, these several virtues are what the believers must have. Here, being “blind” has different meaning from the blindness of the unbelievers mentioned in (2Co 4:4):“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers.” , for here, it refers to the believers. The meaning of being “blind” is falling into the darkness without knowing oneself; it is close to the “blindness” mentioned in (1Jo 2:11): “But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him. ”

“is nearsighted”:

Being “nearsighted” shows that being “blind” here has special meaning, which is not actually unable to see, but is “nearsighted”. If the believers only look at things of this world before their eyes but not things in the eternity, and only look at the glories before people but not the reward before God, also only plot for the visible but not for the invisible, they are blind according to what he does not look at! Nowadays, how many believers are the same as the believers in the church of Laodicea: “You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. ” (Rev 3:17) They are rich in the materials, but are neither hot nor cold to the things of God. They are poor and blind in the spirit.

Why are the believers blind if without the above spiritual virtues? There are two reasons:

a. The believers live in this age, just as the boat sailing against the current. If we do not continue in making effort to grow, our spiritual insight will be blinded easily and gradually, by the custom of this age, the sinful habits, the principles of men and all kinds of bad trends, so that our will and thoughts will be influenced by them and will gradually lose the sight on the beauty of spiritual things, follow the pattern of this world, lose the sight of the glories that God prepare for us in the eternity, and only see the benefits in this world.

b. Although the believers had the life of the living God already and were born in the family of God, if they do not make effort to grow in the spiritual virtues and grow up in the spiritual life, they will fall into the situation without knowing themselves. It is because with the increasing amount of time of believing in LORD, with more advanced seniority in the church, and more knowledge of the truth, yet without the growth of the spiritual life, as a result, one will be pride and self-conceit; but is actually poor in the spirit as those in the church of Laodicea, who consider themselves rich, but are actually poor, blind and naked.

“and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.” This sentence has two meanings, which are:

a. He has forgotten the grace of redemption from LORD and has forgotten how he realized that he himself is a sinner to turn to Christ when he received the salvation; but now what he does is unworthy of such a great grace of LORD, without continuing in making efforts to grow after receiving the grace. Since LORD has rescued us out of the deep pit of sins and evils, how could we still stay at the edge of this deep pit to be an ineffective and unproductive person?

b. He has forgotten that he himself has received the consecrated status. Since he has been cleansed by LORD and has the life of God, how could he still fix his eyes on the corrupted world but not set himself apart from this world and make efforts to pursue the lofty and holy goal of the eternal life? If the Christians remember their painful situation in sins of the past, they will treasure the grace that they received. Therefore, those who have forgotten that they have been cleansed from their past sins actually fall into another situation of being blind spiritually and become the people without growth.

C. The secret that one will never fall (1:10)

2 PETERS 1:10 Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall,


“be all the more eager ”:

Since the believers are in the secular current, they often gradually feel tired and idle such that they do not want to move on. Therefore, here, they are reminded of these things so that they won’t be idle, but will be all the more eager.

“make your calling and election sure”:

Those who are called and elected by God are in the state of being called; we must always keep ourselves in this state unswervingly to show that we belong to God. Although the election and calling of God will not change, but if we do not live the life by standing on the position of being called and elected, we will show to be not as one who is elected and lose the state of being elected. If we are all the more eager to make effort to grow, we will make the calling and election appear to be sure and make the grace from God to us sure.

“For if you do these things, you will never fall”:

Here, it points out the way that one will never fall is to be all the more eager to make every effort to grow in the spiritual life. What kind of method can make the Christians “never fall”? This is what many believers want to know. Here, the method is instructed to us, which is to make every effort to grow up in the spiritual life and spiritual virtues unceasingly. Just as the little kids are easy to fall frequently, what kind of method can prevent the little kids from falling? By exhorting them to be careful all the time? Or by having a particular person to take care of them? Neither. The essential way is to let the little kids grow up. After the little kids grow up, they will naturally be away from the situation of keeping on falling.

d. enter the kingdom of LORD richly (1:11)

2 PETERS 1:11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


“the eternal kingdom” is the kingdom of God that lasts forever. However, here, it is called “the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”; it is because of the secret that the Holy Son and the Holy Father are One, and the kingdom of God can certainly be called sometimes as the kingdom of LORD Jesus Christ. No mention that the reason that we are able to share in the kingdom of God, is because LORD Jesus is as our Savior. LORD Jesus said that: "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. " (Joh 3:3) The reason that we can have the experience of being reborn is because Jesus is lifted up (Joh 3:14-15). When we believe in His accomplishment of “being lifted up”, we can be reborn and enter the kingdom of God. We are related to the kingdom of God due to the salvation that LORD Jesus accomplished for us. Here, this point is specially emphasized; therefore, this kingdom is called “the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”.

Not only we can enter the kingdom of LORD, but also we can enter richly. Although we might be poor in this world or suffer, we could be a rich person in the kingdom of God. This verse shows that there are some people; although they can enter the kingdom of LORD, they can not enter richly.

Verse 11 is the conclusion drawn by the apostle from the above teachings. It shows that whoever obeys the teachings above will enter the kingdom of God richly. Therefore, as to the Christians nowadays, the problem is not that they do not have the right to enter the kingdom of God richly, or they do not know the secret about how to enter the kingdom of God richly. The problem is whether we have practiced what the Bible has instructed us or not, and whether we have shown the life of Christ completely or not, so that we can bring the rich fruit in the life and on the work to see LORD.

(6) The love vindicating of the apostle (1:12-15)

These verses are the vindication of the apostle. He made all efforts to try to exhort the believers before he himself left this world, so that they will be earnest to grow in the grace of LORD. These verses show that Peter knew in advance that he was going to depart this world; therefore, he made use of the last chance to encourage the believers. It is known from here that indeed the apostle Peter always concerned about the “flock” of LORD wholeheartedly. Even when he was about to sacrifice, he still was concerned about the progress of the spirituality of the believers. Here, he was inspired by the Holy Spirit to exhort and encourage the believers -- do not stop making progress.

2 PETERS 1:12 So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.


This verse explains that what are mentioned above are not something that the believers do not know. Although he knew that they have known those things, he still reminded them of those things. From this sentence: “So I will always remind you of these things”; it is Peter who talked about the above teachings to the believers more than once. This shows that the above teachings are very important and the believers should not ignore them because they have known and heard of them already such that they consider that they themselves do not need to be reminded again. On the contrary, they do need to be often reminded, so that they are often exhorted on the known truth in case that they will become those who only know the truth but do not enter the truth that they have known.

“the truth you now have”:

It includes those things mentioned above. They have known LORD Jesus and share in the divine nature of God; they are not ignorant on the truth of God and have known the truth to a certain extent, such that they “are firmly established in the truth ” they now have. The word of “firmly” shows that they not only have the initial experience, but also are rather experienced. From initially hearing the truth to firmly being established in the truth, one need to hear the truth for many times and be clear about what one hears; one also need to experience the truth that he understands, not only for once, but also for many times repeatedly, so that to become experienced and firmly established. Even so, the apostle said he will “always remind you of these things”. It is obvious that for those who are firmly established in the truth, they still need to be humble so that to be reminded. It is because:

a. Although one is firmly established in the truth, he surely has a lot more that he has not experienced or experienced completely yet.

b. Although one is firmly established in the truth, he might become slack instead later on, become sluggish gradually, and fall from the precious experience in the past.

The believers must not consider that they need not to be reminded by others because they have been very familiar with some of the truth; and they must not look down on others arrogantly and think what they themselves know are much more than others when others are talking about the truth that they are familiar with. We should remember these words of the apostle Peter, given before he was going to sacrifice for the faith, and should always be humble and examine oneself in the light of LORD. Do we often newly learn the truth and have some new gain? Are we firmly established in the truth that we already have? Or have we gone away from the truth that we already have?

2 PETERS 1:13 I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body,


Here, Peter used “the tent” to represent the body of flesh. He made best use of the chances when he was still in the body of flesh to remind the believers to fulfill his duty as the servant of LORD. Not only one should take the chance to preach Gospel, but also should take the chance to exhort the brothers and sisters and build up the believers. This is not only because the day of LORD’s coming is near, but also because the life of our body of flesh is very limited. When we are still in the body of flesh, we have all the chances to serve, work and glorify LORD in front of us. Whenever we depart from the body of flesh, all the chances are over and can not have the chance any longer. Although we still can serve God in the eternity, however, the service that determines our reward in the glories of the future is the service in the body of flesh in this world. Peter knew that he would depart the body of flesh soon; therefore, he tried his best to make use of the limited time and chances to do the work that he should do. The aged Peter did not seek to be comfortable by himself and be slack on the work. He still tried his best to work hard for the flock of LORD under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and made best use of the limited time actively to work for LORD and exhort the believers.

The “tent” represents the body of flesh (2Co 5:1-4). The tent was the original living way of the nomad. Starting from their ancestor Abraham, most of the Israelites pastured the flocks. Therefore, they often live in the tent. “The tent” in the Bible represents a living way of living away from home and indicates that the believers do not take this world as the eternal home town. Although the believers live in this world, they live with the hope of the home town in heaven. The apostles compare “the tent” to our body of flesh, indicating that we should live in the body of flesh with the attitude of living aboard as the travelers. Our body in this world is only a temporary tent, in which the eternal life dwells. This temporary tent can be destroyed; while the inner life is imperishable. Therefore, everyone should take the chances before departing the tent of the body, to know where he will go and to make best use of the chance in this life to work for the eternity.

2 PETERS 1:14 because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.


This verse shows that Peter foresaw that he himself will depart this world soon. The reason that he can foresee is because LORD Jesus Christ had shown him so. The apostle Paul also had the similar experience. Paul also indicated that he will sacrifice his life for LORD soon in (2Ti 4:6-8), and knew that there is in store for him the crown of righteousness. Besides these two apostles, similar testimonies are heard sometimes; there are some believers who know beforehand that they will depart this world. This can be said as the grace that God specially give to some believers, which is to be their encouragement and comfort on the last journey of this life; but it is not the experience that every believer can ask for.

“as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.”

This verse reminds us the words of LORD to Peter after His resurrection: “I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” (Joh 21:18-19). When Peter was old, LORD made it clear to him again. It is said that Peter died for LORD by being crucified upside down. However, here, Peter had no fear and worry at all, and he only looked at it as entering the eternal dwelling. This is the exact attitude to death that all the Christians should have. The “death” to us is not the permanent death, but is to change to a better place and enter the dwelling of the living God.

2 PETERS 1:15 And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things.


This verse shows that being inspired by the Holy Spirit, Peter intentionally left this letter as the teachings to the believers in the later generation, so that they can be reminded and encouraged from these teachings. In a word, Peter tried to make best of all what he can do in the body to encourage the believers. Although he knew that there was no much time left for himself in this world, he still left these words enlightened by the Holy Spirit so that to continue in helping the believers in different generations.

It is apparent that the writing work is one of the important work of the apostles. The Holy Spirit open their eyes long time ago to recognize the value of the writing work, which is not as limited by the time as the oral propaganda, and can continue to talk to and encourage the believers in the long-range generations afterward.

2. Take precautions against the confusion of the heterodoxy (1:16-22)

(1) Talking about the authenticity of the coming of Christ (1:16-21)

A. The testimony of Peter himself (1:16-18)

These verses should be compared mutually with the verses in the three books of the Gospel about the transfiguration of LORD Jesus on the mountain (Mat 17:1-13; Mar 9:1-13; Luk 9:28-36). As a result of such a comparison, it is known that when LORD Jesus transfigured on the mountain in glorious splendor, Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Him. They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem (Luk 9:31). And the glory appeared in His transfiguration on the mountain is the fellow-image of the coming of LORD. Therefore, here, Peter recalled their experience of witnessing the transfiguration of LORD on the mountain to prove that what they talked about the coming of LORD is not invented stories, but is the revelation they directly received from the glorious splendor.

2 PETERS 1:16 We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.


The truth of the coming of Christ is the revelation directly received by the apostles.

“when we told you”: this might refer to the messages of the Second Coming of LORD in 1 Peter (1:5; 4:13; 5:1,4); or it might indicate that when Peter was with those believers together, he and other apostles told them about the message of the Second Coming of LORD.

“the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”:

This refers to the Second Coming of LORD Jesus. Note that Peter talked about the power of LORD and the Second Coming of LORD together. The first coming of Christ appeared to be humble, weak and poor (Mat 1:1-2; 8:20; Mar 6:2-3; Joh 1:46); however, the Second Coming of Christ will be powerful, glorious, and majestic (Mat 26:64; 24:30-31; 25:31; Php 3:20-21; Act 17:31; Heb 12:26; Rev 1:7). At the first time, He came as the Savior of men; at the second time, He will judge the world. Therefore, the believers must be faithful and watchful to wait for the Second Coming of LORD.

“We did not follow cleverly invented stories … but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty”:

This implies that there are some believers who doubt the authenticity of the coming of Christ. The believers have such a suspicion because there were some false teachers and some who do not believe the promise of the Second Coming of LORD (2Pe 3:3-7). It is apparent that there are heterodoxy or false preachers, who explain the verses of the Bible at their own wills, preach the wrong principles, and lure the believers so that some believers are doubtful about the truth of the Second Coming of LORD. Therefore, Peter strengthened and encouraged them in their faith so that to let them know that what the apostles told them about the Second Coming of LORD is absolutely not the principle derived from the personal opinions of the apostles, but is the revelation directly from God; and when LORD transfigured, they saw the glorious splendor of the “model” of the glory of Coming of LORD with their own eyes, such that they comprehended a little of the majesty of the Second Coming of LORD. It is obvious that through the glorious splendor they saw on the mountain, the Holy Spirit let Peter and the other two disciples who went to the mountain together have the special understanding on the majesty of the Second Coming of LORD. Thus, the promise of the Second Coming of LORD that they talked about has more authority and is more convincing to be authentic and unmistakable.

2 PETERS 1:17 For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."


“For he received honor and glory from God the Father ”:

He received the honor and glory; it is because not only he was in the glorious splendor, but also God testified by Himself that he is the Son of God.

“when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." ”:

Note that Peter especially reminded the believers here that Jesus Christ who will come again is the Son whom God loves and was testified by God Himself, so that to confirm the authenticity of the Second Coming of LORD to them. Why did Peter prove again that LORD is the Son whom God loves to those believers who doubt the promise of the Second Coming of LORD? This shows that there is close relationship between the truth of the Second Coming of LORD and other basic beliefs. If there is any believer who does not believe firmly the Second Coming of LORD, a danger will be hidden in his faith: that is, he might have doubt at any time on other important truths of salvation, even on the deity of LORD Jesus and the authenticity of the existence of God, and he will accept the temptation at any time and have his faith shaken. Therefore, when the believers doubted the promise of the Second Coming of LORD because of the influence of the principles of the world or the teachings of the heterodoxy, Peter proved the authenticity of the Second Coming of LORD, and also proved that LORD is the Son whom God loves, which was testified by God Himself from the heaven and was heard by Peter himself.

“This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”:

This verse is mentioned only once; but it is mentioned for many times in the books of the Gospel (Mat 3:17; 17:5; Mar 1:11; 9:7; Luk 3:22; Luk 9:35).

2 PETERS 1:18 We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.


“when we were with him on the sacred mountain”:

Peter called the mountain on which LORD Jesus transfigured when they were on it altogether as “the sacred mountain”. Some scholars of the scripture think that mountain is Mount Hermon. However, why Peter called it “the sacred mountain”? It is not because there is anything special of this place, but it is LORD Jesus transfigured at this place and showed that He Himself is “sacred”. In the Bible, the places where God appeared are often called “sacred” places. For example, when Moses see the vision on Mount Horeb. God said to him that: the place where you are standing is holy ground (Exo 3:5). When Joshua saw the vision, he also heard LORD said that: the place where you are standing is holy (Jos 5:15). All are the same principle: it is not up to that place, but is up to that God appeared there.

Although the Christians live in the filthy world, if they remain in LORD and often have LORD appear in their spirit, no matter where they live in this world, they will be sacred because of being with God.

B. the proof of the predictions of the prophets (1:19-21)

2 PETERS 1:19 And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.


a. The authority of the predictions (1:19upper)

“And we have the word of the prophets made more certain”:

Here, Peter especially lifted up the predictions of the prophets in the Old Testament, and considered the predictions of the prophets are more reliable than his own experience. Although as to the promise of the second coming of LORD, Peter had the personal experience of hearing and seeing by himself, he did not ignore the authority of the predictions of the prophet in the Old Testament. Note that here “more certain” shows that the reliability of the prediction of the prophets goes even farther than the reliability of the experience of Peter in the glorious splendor. Why the apostle said so? It is not that Peter doubt his own experience or his own testimony; it is because he wants the believers to think more highly of the words of God than the experience of men. It is because those who have the opportunity to hear LORD speaking and see the glorious splendor of LORD are few, and the experience of Peter can not be asked for by everyone. Even among the 12 apostles, there were only three people including Peter on the mountain saw the transfiguration of LORD. Therefore, if only standing on men’s experience, or value men’s experience more than the words of God, there will be many people whose faith will shaken because they never have the experience of hearing and seeing by themselves.

On the other hand, those false teachers and those who preach the heterodoxy, can also bring up their dishonest or even counterfeit experiences; as a result, it will confuse those experiences really from the revelation of God and the gifts of God, and make people not know what course to take. Therefore, the experience of men should not be lifted over the authority of the words of God.

b. the believers to the prophecy (1:19latter)

“as to a light shining in a dark place”:

“the word of the prophets” is compared to “a light” here. If we pay attention to the prophecy of the prophets, we have a light shining in a dark place, such that we will be enlightened and be full of light.

Here, “the word of the prophets ” refers to the word of the prophets on the Second Coming of Christ. Here, it means that if we pay attention to these predictions, and attentively wait for and believe that LORD will come soon, our goal of life will change because of our concentration on the Second Coming of LORD; we will obey the words of God more sincerely. Thus, we will receive the light in this dark age -- a world controlled by the evil and dark power, and know how to live a life according to the will of God, but not like the worldly people fumbling in the darkness! And the testimonies of the life of ourselves will also be like the light shinning in the darkness and let many people see the light of Christ. It is obvious that if the believers wait for the Second Coming of LORD sincerely, that will make us to be watchful and wise persons so that not to be sunk in sleep and be slack.

“until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. ”:

How could the morning star rise in the hearts of the believers? It should appear only in the sky. It is obvious that “the morning star rises in your hearts” should be explained according to the spiritual meaning. Here, “the morning star ” must not refer to the morning star in the universe, but through the appearance of the morning star in the sky, the spiritual thing is symbolized. The morning star appears especially bright before the dawn, which is to predict the daybreak and is the evidence that it is near the daybreak. In the like manner, the predictions in the Bible are the proclamations and evidences that the Second Coming of LORD Jesus is near. If we pay attention to the predictions of LORD, trust in the words of the Bible, and look on it as the evidence that LORD will come soon, the words of God will give out the light and shine on our spirit, just as the morning star rises in the sky. Therefore, the believers nowadays should specially pay attention to the predictions in the Bible until we are convinced by the Second Coming of LORD in our hearts; then we will walk in the light of God.

This verse also shows that the believers should receive the light on the words of LORD. When the words of LORD give out light in our minds, we will have more sure hope on the heavenly things, and have more power to shine for LORD in the dark environment.

c. No prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation (1:20-21)

2 PETERS 1:20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation.


“Above all”: the word of “Above all” are mentioned twice in verse (3:3) and this verse. It is obvious that we should be especially careful on the interpretation of the predictions, and we should not give the interpretation carelessly according to our own favor or preconceived idea. We should try our best to seek the proper light and the instructions of the Holy Spirit to clarify the truth in the Bible.

“no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation”:

Here, on one hand, the apostle asked the believers to pay attention to the prediction in the Bible and exhorted them not to ignore it because it is difficult to understand (2Pe 3:16). On the other hand, he asked the believers to be careful and not to interpret it at one’s own will. In fact, many heterodoxies come from the misinterpretations of the predictions. Since the predictions predict beforehand some things that are unknown to us and can not obtain the verification from the fact. Thus, the interpretations from the own wills of the false teachers and heterodoxy easily tempted the believers. Therefore, the believers should be careful in understanding the predictions of the Bible. For example, until now, there are still someone now and then who are found to calculate the year and date of the Second Coming of LORD, or consider themselves to get some detached revelation and know the year and date of LORD’s coming; they only made themselves to be the joke and the excuses for others’ attacks. In fact, the Bible has declared clearly that no one knows the time of the Second Coming of LORD (Mat 24:36). Thus, all the estimation and calculation of men or the “revelations” that are not in accordance to the Bible are impossible to be from God, and must be wrong. As to the truth of the Second Coming of LORD, is what the heterodoxy like to misinterpret to tempt the believers. Therefore, the believers at the last age should pay more attention to understanding the predictions of the Bible and wait for the Second Coming of LORD.

“no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation”:

This verse can also be extend to all the words in the Bible that we can not interpret the words in the Bible at own wills. The faithful servant of God in the ancient time must respect the will of God more than his own will; even though he himself did not like to say it, he proclaimed it all the same. Nowadays, we should interpret the word of God in the same way. We can not add our own will on the word of God and misinterpret the words of God to achieve one’s own purpose; this is the most ungodly thing. Therefore, we should pray more and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We should deliberate and understand the words of God by comparing verses in many places. As to some profound mysteries, we should try not to interpret it reluctantly.

2 PETERS 1:21 For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.


“For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man”:

This is not saying that in the Bible, only the predictions “never had its origin in the will of man”, while the record in other parts might come from the will of man. Here, it especially emphasizes that the predictions are more detached than the other records, which can not be derived by one’s own understanding, so that it is easier to show to be inspired by the Spirit of God. On the other hand, in the Old Testament, the predictions of the prophets are the center of the revelation, and the representatives of all the revelations of God. It is because as to all the typologies, no matter in the history or in the law of the Old Testament, all have the character of predictions, and indicate in advance the will of God for the future. Therefore, this verse about the “predictions” can extend to all the revelations of the whole Bible. All these revelations never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. This is the special authority of the words of the Bible.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.