文章來源: 悟空孫2009-02-14 17:44:56

今早讀報,被一則故事深深打動,聯想到前幾天的 有關非常恩愛的夫妻一文,浮想聯翩。匆匆摘譯如下:

這個故事起始於 1957 年。

現年 77 歲的陳運通(譯音)當時在香港的一家船運公司工作,在那兒,他認識了給老板做秘書的印度姑娘卡提瑪,倆人一見鍾情。不過,他們都很含蓄,誰也沒有挑明。


1959 年 3 月 11 日,他們結婚了。


因為某次手術的後遺症,她一直無法懷孕,所以他們也沒有孩子。兩口子花了很多時間旅遊:歐洲去了三次、台灣、日本、新加坡、韓國……,加拿大也來了三次,他想來此定居,她卻不願意:“太冷了”,習慣了亞熱帶氣候的她怎麽能忍受加拿大的冬天? 1986 年他們參觀了溫哥華的世博會之後,她的態度轉變了, 1988 年,兩口子定居加拿大。

日子平平淡淡地過著,他的英文不太好,話也不多。她總是稱呼他“ Silly man ”,看得出,他們彼此的心裏都裝著對方。


她知道她的日子不多了,她對他說,穆斯林在親人死亡時是不哭的。他說他做不到。 2001 年 10 月 6 號,他握著她的手,她永遠的離開了他。






What an emotional aricle! I believe that the woman behind him that day at the grave was her, his wife! That's exactly the kind of LOVE I hope to experience one day also! If only we all could be so lucky! Charyl
Our house faced the grave yard and every morning we would see him pass by and we became friends and we always waved and would talk for a few minutes...his devotion to his wife is just incredible....and sometimes he is a little slower or a little later especially when the bus is late due to bad weather. If I was going somewhere and the weather was bad would offer him a ride home and hopefully someone else will do the same...he is a very sweet man.
Love like this is so genuine. It has withstood the fickleness of young love and carries on through the aging of the body, sickness and so much loss. It is the way we all want to be loved. My Granny just passed away this September and he and my Grandpa would have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this year! My grandpa was her first love as a very young woman. He misses her and loves her just like the man from this story and it breaks my heart.
What a wonderful couple. My parents have been married over 60 years and they still hold hands! I have never heard them argue or raise their voices at each other. They as well, have a true love!!!
Oh boy. I haven't even finished my morning coffee yet and you got me crying.....