陽陽3歲11個月,ABA,gross motor
文章來源: 小花菜2011-02-07 21:09:17


今天的 ABA,他完成了 explain the rules of the game Candy Land
1st rule, pick a gingerbread man, and put it on the start of the game.
2nd rule, pick a card, and go to one square, or two squares, or the picture.
3rd rule, if you go to the king candy castle, you win.


他還很會說,Mama, can you please help me do such and such thing? with eye contact.

不過他還不是能靈活運用。說話好像總是照貓畫虎。比如,前兩個星期,我想教他問別人 wh 的問題。我們當時的例子是問,what is your favorite color? 開始他總是不問,後來才勉強問了幾次。今天我們吃完飯,他想從桌上下來,我定住他說,what should you ask? (他應該問 may i be excused?) 但他聽了,抬頭問我,what is your favorite color? 搞得我哭笑不得。