英語高級聽力 01 課 (譯文及圖片)
文章來源: 野鶴閑雲2010-01-11 23:37:53

Lesson 01

Section One: News in Brief

1. Freed American hostage, David Jacobsen, appealed today for the release of the remaining captives in Lebanon , saying, "Those guys are in hell and we've got to get them home." Jacobsen made his remarks as he arrived at Wiesbaden , West Germany , accompanied by Anglican Church envoy, Terry Waite, who worked to gain his release. And Waite says his efforts will continue.

Jacobsen had a checkup at the air force hospital in Wiesbaden . And hospital director, Colonel Charles Moffitt says he is doing well." Although Mr. Jacobsen is tired, our initial impression is that he is physically in very good condition. It also seems that he has dealt with the stresses of his captivity extremely well." Although Jacobsen criticized the US government's handling of the hostage situation in a videotape made during his captivity, today he thanked the Reagan Administration and said he was darn proud to be an American. The Reagan Administration had little to say today about the release of Jacobsen or the likelihood that other hostages may be freed. Boarding Air Force One in Las Vegas , the President said, "There's no way to tell right now. We've been working on that. We've had heart-breaking disappointments."

2. Mr. Reagan was in Las Vegas campaigning for Republican candidate, Jim Santini, who is running behind Democrat, Harry Reed.

3. In Mozambique today a new president was chosen to replace Samora Machel who died in a plane crash two weeks ago. NPR's John Madison reports: "The choice of the 130-member Central Committee of the ruling FRELIMO Party was announced on Mozambique radio this evening. He is Joaquim Chissano , Mozambique 's Foreign Minister, No. 3 in the Party. Chissano, who is forty-seven, was Prime Minister of the nine-month transitional government that preceded independence from Portugal in 1975. He negotiated the transfer of power with Portugal .

第一節 簡明新聞

1. 獲釋的美國人質,大衛傑克布森,今天請求釋放仍關押在黎巴嫩的人質,他說:“那些人是在地獄裏,而我們必須把他們救回家去。”傑克布森是在通過斡旋使他獲釋的英國聖公會教會特使,泰瑞懷特的陪同下抵達西德威斯巴登時說這番話的。泰瑞懷特說,他將繼續努力。


2. 裏根先生在拉斯維加斯為落後於民主黨的哈利瑞德的共和黨候選人吉姆山提尼助戰。

3. 今天,莫桑比克確立了一位新總統,接任 2 周前在飛機失事中罹難的薩莫拉米歇爾。全國廣播公司記者約翰曼德森報道:挑選結果是由有 130 名成員組成的中央委員會的執政的莫桑比克解放陣線今天晚上通過莫桑比克廣播電台宣布的,他是喬開姆齊薩諾,莫桑比克的外交部長。黨內第三號人物,喬開姆齊薩諾 47 歲, 1975 年從葡萄牙獨立時曾經在過度政府中擔任過 9 個月的總理一職。他曾經就權力交換與葡萄牙進行談判。

Joaquim Chissano )

Section Two: News in Detail

This much is clear tonight: an American held in Lebanon almost a Year and a half is free. David Jacobsen is recuperating in a hospital in Wiesbaden , West Germany . Twenty-four hours earlier, Jacobsen was released in Beirut by Islamic Jihad. But this remains a mystery: what precisely led to his freedom? Jacobsen will spend the next several days in the US air force facility in Wiesbaden for a medical examination. Diedre Barber reports.

After preliminary medical checkups today, David Jacobsen's doctor said he was tired but physically in very good condition. US air force hospital commander, Charles Moffltt, said in a medical briefing this afternoon that Jacobsen had lost little weight seemed extremely fit. He joked that he would not like to take Jacobsen's challenge to reporters earlier in the day to a six-mile jog around the airport. Despite his obvious fatigue, Jacobsen spent the afternoon being examined by hospital doctors. He was also seen by a member of the special stress-management team sent from Washington . Colonel Moffitt said that after an initial evaluation it seems as if Jacobsen coped extremely well with the stresses of his captivity. He said there was also no evidence at this point that the fifty-five-year-old hospital director had been tortured or physically abused. Jacobsen seemed very alert, asking detailed questions about the facilities of the Wiesbaden medical complex, according to Moffitt.

So far, Jacobsen has refused to answer questions about his five hundred and twenty-four days as a hostage. Speaking briefly to reporters after his arrival in Wiesbaden this morning, he said his joy at being free was somewhat diminished by his concern for the other hostages left behind. He thanked the US government and President Ronald Reagan for helping to secure his release. Jacobsen also gave special thanks to Terry Waite, an envoy of the Archbishop of Canterbury, for his help in the negotiation. Waite, who accompanied Jacobsen from Beirut to Wiesbaden today, said he might be going to Beirut in several days. There are still seven American hostages being held in Lebanon by different political groups. Jacobsen will be joined in Wiesbaden tomorrow by his family. Hospital officials said they still do not know how many days Jacobsen will remain for tests and debriefing sessions before returning to the United States with his family. For National Public Radio, this is Diedre Barber, Wiesbaden .

第一節 詳細新聞 美國人質大衛傑克布森獲釋

今晚可以很清楚知道的是:一位在黎巴嫩被關押了差不多一年半的美國人質獲釋了。大衛傑克布森正在西德威斯巴登的一家醫院裏休養。 24 小時前,傑克布森在貝魯特被伊斯蘭傑哈德組織釋放。但神秘的是:究竟是什麽使得他獲釋?傑克布森還要在威斯巴登的美國空軍基地中接受幾天的醫療檢查。戴德瑞德巴伯報道。

在今天初步體檢之後,大衛傑克布森的醫生說他很疲勞但身體狀況很好。美國空軍醫院司令官,查理斯墨菲特在今天下午的一次醫療簡報會上說,傑克布森看起來過胖,但減了些體重。他開玩笑地說:他不願意讓傑克布森過早地麵對記者,而是讓他圍著機場進行 6 英裏的慢跑。盡管他明顯地十分疲倦,傑克布森還是要花上一下午的時間接受醫院大夫的檢查。他還要見一位被華盛頓派來的特別的壓力管理團隊的成員。查理斯墨菲特少校說,根據一項初步的評估顯示,傑克布森似乎能夠很好地應對在被關押期間所受到的壓力。他說,沒有證據顯示這位 55 歲的醫院院長受到過拷打和人身虐待。根據墨菲特的說法,傑克布森似乎非常敏感,還詳細詢問了威斯巴登醫療綜合設施的設備情況。

到目前為止,傑克布森始終拒絕回答有關他作為 524 天人質的問題。今天早上到達威斯巴登後,他對記者們發表了簡單的講話,他說因為他惦記著其他還被扣押的人質所以他被釋放的快樂已經消散了。他感謝美國政府和羅納德裏根總統幫助他獲得釋放。傑克布森尤其感謝坎特伯雷聖公會教區的特使泰瑞懷特在談判中給予的幫助。今天陪同傑克布森從貝魯特來到威斯巴登的懷特說,幾天之內他將返回貝魯特。還有 7 名美國人質在黎巴嫩被不同的政治派別扣押著。明天,傑克布森將在威斯巴登同他的家庭團聚。醫院官員們說,他們還不知道傑克布森在和他的家人們返回美國之前還要做幾天的檢查以及發布消息的日期。全國公共廣播,戴德巴伯在威斯巴登報道。

(Former hostage, M. David Jacobsen, at a press conference. 11/01/1986

Section Three: Special Report

The leader of Chinese revolution, Mao Tsetong, died ten years ago today. During his lifetime, Mao became a cult figure, but the current government has tried to change that. Now his tomb and enbalmed body in Beijing are just another tourist attraction. And no longer do millions of Chinese study or wave aloft the famous "Little Red Book' of Quotations from Chairman Mao. Along with the political writing, Mao wrote poetry as well poems about the revolution, the Red Army, poems about nature. Willis Barnstone has translated some of Mao's work and considers him an original master, one of China 's most important poets.

“Had he not been a revolutionary, perhaps his poetry would not have been as interesting because his personal poetry was the history of China . At the same time because he was a famous revolutionary and leader, it has prejudiced most people, almost correctly, to dismiss his poetry as simply the work of a man who achieved fame elsewhere.”

“But his work was not dismissed within China though?”

“Well, now it's almost consciously forgotten. But when I was there in 72, you could see his poems on every dining room wall, engraved on peach-pits ... During lunch hours, workers would study his poems. They were every place."

“Is there, though, a revisionist thinking within literary circles? Are people saying Mao wasn't any good as a poet either?”

"No. Well, at least in my conversations in the year I recently spent in Peking teaching at the university there, I found very few people who didn't think he was a very good poet. But they did feel that his suggestions which were that people not write in the classical style, that they write in what he called the modern style, was very repressive. And as a result, of course, the restriction of publication during the ten years of the Cultural Revolution, poetry was abysmal.”

“When you say the modern style, would that be, for example, free verse?"

“It would be free verse as opposed to classical rhymes or classical forms."

“You write in the introduction to one of your translations of poems of Mao Tsetong that people ... you explain that leaders in China , and indeed in the East, are expected to be accomplished poets.”

“Yes, I think that's true. The night that Tojo ... before Tojo died, he, ... in Japan, he wrote some poems. Ho Chi Minh was a poet. It was common. In fact, I think until early in the twentieth century, even to pass a bureaucratic exam, one had to know a huge number of classical forms. And especially, a leader should at least be a poet.”

“There is one poem which is political in nature which has to do with a parasitic disease in China .”

“Yes. Mao wrote some poems, two poems actually, about getting rid of a disease that was a plague for the country. And it's called "Saying goodbye to the God of Disease." And the poem needs annotation. In that sense, it’s typical of classical Chinese poetry; he makes references to earlier emperors and places.”

Saying Goodbye to the God of Disease

Mauve waters and green mountains are nothing

When the great ancient doctor Hua Tuo

Could not defeat a tiny worm.

A thousand villages collapsed, were choked with weeds,

Men were lost arrows, ghosts sang

In the doorway of a few desolate houses.

Yet now in a day, we leap around the earth,

Or explore a thousand milky ways.

And if the cowherd who lives on a star

Asks about the God of plagues,

Tell him, happy or sad, "The God is gone,

Washed away in the waters."

A poem by Mao Tsetong read by Willis Barnstone, Professor of Comparative Literature at Indiana University in Bloomington . He talked with us from WFIU.

第三節 特別報道


中國革命領導人毛澤東, 10 年前的今天去世。在他的有生之年,毛成了一種文化標誌,但現在的政府已經在試圖改變這種狀況,目前他的陵墓和防腐的遺體在北京成了一處旅遊景點。而且不再有成百萬的中國人學習或揮舞《毛主席語錄》即著名的“小紅書”的情景了。既進行政治寫作,毛也撰寫詩歌,關於革命的,紅軍的,還有描寫大自然的。威爾斯巴恩斯通翻譯過一些毛的著作,認為他是位獨特的大師,是中國最重要的詩人之一。



“哦,現在差不多都被遺忘了。但當我 72 年到那裏的時候,你可以看見他的詩出現在每個食堂的牆上,刻在桃把上 … 在午飯時,工人們要學習他的詩歌。這種情況到處都是。”





“你撰文介紹你翻譯的毛澤東的一首詩歌,那個人 … 你解釋到中國的,實際上在東方的領導們,都會做詩。”

“是的,我想這是真的,東條那個夜晚 … 東條死前,他 … 在日本,寫過一些詩。胡誌明也是個詩人。這很普遍。事實上,我認為在 20 世紀早期,為了通過科舉考試,人人必須知道大量的古典文體。特別的是,領導人最終都會成為一個詩人。”






詩歌由毛澤東創作,伯明頓印第安納大學比較文學教授威爾斯巴恩斯通朗讀。他是從 WFIU 電台和我們談話。

Willis Barnstone

Willis Barnstone
