文章來源: 苗青青2013-04-29 22:23:37



糟糕的是,我昨夜和一位同事加班至半夜, 竟然把這件重要的事忘記了! 唉, 人老了,暫時性記



上午睡個懶覺,起來,因為要看一下電腦, 檢查了郵件,發現了女兒的一封來信! 這個寶貝女兒

最近天天在圖書館埋頭寫文章,臨畢業不遠了,學文學的好多文章要寫. 都沒時間和媽媽打電

話,我挺記掛她的, 但是又不能打擾她. 正惦記著, 她的信就來了,而且是生日的那一天!


Dear Mom and Dad:

Happily I have passed 21 years on this earth and am starting on the 22nd year of my life. I just

got back home from the library and prayed to God, the way I would want to start a new year

with :)


I'm filled with the utmost gratitude for having you as my parents. Even though you are no longer

together, as I would have wanted in a perfect world, I still love you both to the fullest and

without any reserve. I hope for the day to close faster, when I could sustain myself financially

and rid you of this burden. There are many things I would still want to improve about myself, but

these are things I owe to myself and no one else. What I am indebted to you both for is gratitude

and love.


Dear mom, thank you for your love. I think you must be tired to hear people praise you for hard

work. I know that you only worked hard for all the right reasons, and it is these reasons that sets

you apart. I know how generous and loving your heart is, that prompts you to do all things for

the right causes.




我的心裏感歎說,這個小精靈, 她的生日,以往都是人家為她慶生送禮物,今天她自己在




起, 她那可愛的笑臉,就是媽媽見到的最美的圖畫哦!


她常常放學在我單位寫作業偶爾幫我跑腿送文件給不同的辦公室,幹啥都很開心, 誰見她




家裏或者班車上的氣氛搞得笑聲陣陣。 在班車上她和一位小朋友兩個人還編故事,演劇,



當然在歐洲時,她也很不容易,適應國外的生活環境。青少年時也有逆反, 偶爾令我頭痛






滿足和感謝的心情, 感謝神,也感謝女兒,在你生日這天,送了媽媽一份兒寶貴的禮物!




今天是五一休假第一天, 我請了查經組的一些弟兄姐妹來家聚餐, 我們的聚餐和分享很

開心,感謝神! 明天要去看家裏一位生病的親人,後天回來。

