巧克力慕斯蛋糕(Chocolate Mousse Cake)
文章來源: 奕的天堂2006-06-28 14:49:12
巧克力慕斯蛋糕(Chocolate Mousse Cake)
蛋糕體做法 (chocolate cake):
蛋 (egg): 2個  糖(sugar): 3 tbsp(45g)  植物油 (oil): 2 tbsp  朗慕酒(rum): 1/2 tbsp   溫水(water): 3 tbsp  可可粉(coca): 2 tbsp  底筋粉(cake flour): 50g (5 tbsp)   泡打粉(baking powder): 1/2 tsp  塔塔粉(tartar): 1/2 tsp
可可粉倒入溫水中拌勻至溶解 (mix coca and water till coca is completely melted)。 蛋分開,蛋黃打勻加入糖 (2 tbsp)、油、朗慕酒和可可水,攪拌均勻 (whip the egg yolk and then add in 2 tbsp sugar, oil, rum, coca water and mix thoroughly)。混合低粉與泡打粉,篩入蛋黃液至無顆粒 (mix the cake flour and bp, slowly sieve in to the egg yolk combination and mix well)。蛋白加塔塔粉打發,加入剩餘的糖打至中性發泡 (whip the egg whites till the soft peak forms with the remaining sugar)。1/3的蛋白糊放進之前的麵糊拌勻,把麵糊倒回蛋白,用橡皮刀大範圍拌勻(first mix 1/3 egg whites with the egg yolk mixture and then add the mixture back to the egg white and mix gently)。倒入烤模,180C25分鍾(bake 25 minutes in a 180C oven)。取出倒扣,放涼後切成兩片。
慕斯做法(chocolate mousse):
水 半杯 (water 1/2 cup)  吉利丁(gelatine): 1 tbsp  糖(sugar): 80g  可可粉(coca): 4 tbsp  溫水 (water): 65cc  鮮奶油(heavy cream): 300cc  糖粉(powdered sugar): 1.5 tbsp
小鍋混合水、吉利丁,靜置至粉末溶解 (mix the 1/2 cup water and gelatine until the gelatine is fully melted ),加入糖加熱至糖溶解(add in the sugar and heat till sugar is dissolved)。可可粉加溫水拌勻(mix the coca and 65cc water),倒入吉利丁中拌勻(pour in the gelatine water and combine well),篩過(sieve out till the mixture is smooth)。鮮奶油加糖粉打至濃稠(whip the heavy cream and powdered sugar until the soft peak forms),倒入吉利丁充分拌勻(pour into the gelatine mixture and mix well)。
慕斯模裏先放一層蛋糕體(place one piece of cake into the springform pan), 刷上酒糖液,倒入一半的慕斯(pour in half of the mousse),放入另一片蛋糕,同樣刷上酒糖液(put in the other piece of cake),倒入剩餘的慕斯(pour in the remaining mousse)。放入冰箱冷藏一晚(put in the fridge for one night)。第二天取出做裝飾......然後就可以開動啦!!