Any Question ? (圖)
文章來源: 縱然平行2012-01-04 16:03:52

For my entire life, there is one thing that Ive been persistently thirsting to do, that is to ask questions. There hasn’t been one day passed that I do not grill the world I live, or thingI do and am about to do it.

When I say asking questions",  it does not necessarily mean I'd pop my questions to people who are surrounding me or close to me. As the matter of fact, most of my questions have never even been vibrated through sound waves or electron, and most of times  Id conjure up a Q and A session in my mind similar to the way that youd play chess game with yourself without an opponent sitting across you.

Arguably, human brain/mind  is one of the most fertile and expendable ground in the universe, to make an inquiry and then assemble the reasoning  and reply in my head is kind of fun activities I actually enjoy a lot, which I see it as its  resemble as a tug of war in irresolution and self-absorption (figuring thing out).

I have to confess such habit does not always produce assuasive outcomes; in many instances when the answers I sought finally become available after vigorously pursuing with curiosity, they were surprisingly different from my initial hypothesis, if not disappointing. But, I still believe if  there is something I dont know, I should set out to find it out. It can be fun and rewarding experiences regardless of the results. Believe it or not, if we could travel back to examine human history, I bet that almost every advance  we have achieved might start with a simple question by someone who wanted to getan answer to it.  

There is an interesting thing in Chinese society, No one seems appreciating questioning. When I was in schools in China, most teachers and professors I  had were not too keen about students questions, particularly the one they believed contained a hint of remonstrance in it. Even at home parents would not normally encourage childrento ask why, especially if the questions touched the subjects such as  money or sexuality. For example, my grandparents and my parents all received ,at least, college education, but if I bought up something related to human bodies, especially it came to the female body, I would be discouraged by them without exceptions. In many case, they would pass my questions to each other as if it were a hot potato. I remember once I asked my father Why is human's most pleasure zone right locate at the waste disposal facility?  He looked at me with his eyebrows crumbled, and then turned his face to my mother Can you answer his strange question?”My mother must be amused, she was laughing so hard that  her tears were coming out. I was absolutely shamed by their cruel treatments.  Well, lessons were learned for me: staying away from taboos  even at home and not all the questions have  answers. Nevertheless, by same token, then I made my mind to manage my inner pull  between the urge for going after unknowns and seeking the keys which soothe my mind in the end, and the opposing reality for not getting into trouble by asking the questions at  the right time, the right place and to the  right person(s).  

Based on my observation and  personal experience, asking a good question and subsequently and fortunately getting  the answer is one of most  challenging  but exhilarating aspects of life.

So what is my point you may ask to write about this piece? My point is that my New Year resolution in 2012 is a simple one :to ask more good questions with enthusiasm and figure the answers outwith diligence.

I know, not every question has a good answer, but there is a silver inning, if lucky enough, an really sufficing  answer can address many tough questions at the same time. When that occurs, someone would hit the jack pot.  :)