New Yorker: 9/11 Five Years Later (圖)
文章來源: 縱然平行2006-09-11 18:09:50

This morning at  8:46 AM* we gathered to observe  a moment of silence to remember  2,479 people who were killed at world Trade Center five years ago today . Among these victims  a big number of  them were our kind,  people then were working in financial sector in downtown Manhattan.  For instance, 658 employees from Investment Bank Cantor Fitgerald located from 101st-105th floors  of north tower of the World Trade Center were taken away tragically on Sept. 11, 2001.

Glancing at the tranquil, cloudless crystal blue sky of early autumn morning through window glass I, a self-crowned New Yorker, as millions others in this great city started the day with tributes of silence and remembrance. I could not help but wish the memory of  9/11 – the gruesome terrorist attack and horrendous assault on civilization will be faded away with time.   

There is no doubt the physical scar of 9/11 in New York City is almost disappearing.  The business at lower Manhattan is flourishing, constructions at ground zero are moving along well these days.   The excruciating pain of losing love ones or friends is diminishing.   Yet, the emotion scar left on this city is anther story; people here are still deeply in anger, grief and fear.  A recent New York Times/CBS News polls indicated that 75% New Yorker would worry about another terrorist attack on this city, only few percentage point lower than the level in fall of 2001. New Yorkers have learned to include vigilance as permanent pathological response to day-to-day life.  

Nevertheless, one positive thing has come out from 9/11. That is, after five years, traumatized New Yorkers love this city more and spend more time with family and friends. They are far less presumptuous and indifferent to their fellow New Yorkers or tourists.  They understand better this time around that human life could be so fragile and you may lose the grip before even knowing it. 

One important lesson learned if we'd love someone we should let our words be heard because you never know if you'd ever get a chance to say it.

Tonight I’ve made a call to China and let my father and mother, grandpa and grandma know one more time  I love them with all my heart.

Note:*.  On September 11, 2001 at 8:46 A.M   hijacked  United Airline Flight 175  flew into the north tower of the World Trade Center. At 9:03 A.M. the second jet,  American Airline Flight  11,  crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center .