A few steps to remember
文章來源: 善待生活2007-04-08 23:08:33
Most parents remember the first smile, first word, the first baby steps of their children. My daughter took the fisrt step of her own last week. It was a genuine once-in-a-life-time achievement. Unlike her brother, she was late in taking her first step. However, she really wanted to walk once she knew how.  By today she could walked around in living room in circles, each time she could circle three quarter of the room.  She was very happy, not knowing that she walked like a drunken duck.  This is one of the cutest moment of my daughter.

Yesterday our family went egg hunting at the eggster organized by UC Berkeley.  My son got many eggs. My daughter picked one ester egg.  Another milestone. I told my son that we are going to Disneyland.  Thrilled in disbelief, my son asked me:  "Daddy, do you want some ester eggs?"  "How many can I have?" I tested him. "here is a yellow one, a red one, and a purple one."  He threw me three ester eggs.

Considering he would not allow his sister near his ester eggs, he must be extremely exicited about our trip to Disneyland.
