mallmall had ear effection
文章來源: 小豬呼嚕嚕2007-03-03 09:11:04

Mallmall had middle ear fluid recently. poor baby. he kept pulling his ears ,i just tought he's teething,actually he was. he had the third and fourth teeth now. we went to see the doctor twice, this time it's doctor Fromson. he priscribed anti-biotics for baby for 14 days. I hope he get better soon, he is so skinny now. but he is such a good boy, he's not crying a lot, still playing . I feel so guilty about leaving him at daycare every monday.

I hope time goes faster ,so i can finish my school sooner, and come home ,taking good care of my baby.

Honey, do not hate mommy, mommy have to finish school for myself ,for you too, I will make you proud .
You're such a good kid, mommy is so proud of you, even though you are sick, you are still acting so good, so tough.still smiling every time you see mommy and daddy.
You're so close to you daddy now,'cause daddy takes care of you at night for three nights a week, i can see the bond between you two. I am so happy for you guys.

ok, I believe we can get through this. We make such a good team together.