文章來源: 白蘆2009-12-11 21:44:43

The Greatest Pink Show on Earth

Massive volcanoes & Flamingo colony - Wild South America - BBC

Flamingos - NATURE "Andes: The Dragon's Back" | DANCE | PBS

Japan Red Crowned Cranes Dance

The Lake of the Cranes

black swan - zwarte zwaan - cygnus atratus

Black Swans and White Swans on the Kennet & Avon Canal.wmv

Birds of Paradise

A Golden Pheasant display at Allandoo Pheasantry 錦雞

Golden Pheasants Fighting 錦雞鬥架


Peacock Love 孔雀求愛

我是一隻小小鳥 MV - 趙傳

Bird Watcher-Part 3-Favorite Bird? 你最喜愛的鳥?

Bird Watcher

Birds Pictures With Songs

Bird Songs

Birds Song +

Nightingale 夜鶯

Song Thrush 畫眉鳥

Crested Lark 風頭百靈

Yellow Siskins 金雀

Song Sparrow 2 籬雀

Warbler 鶯

Yellow Warbler 黃鶯

Townsends Warbler 鶯

Golden Oriole 黃鸝

Hooded Oriole Immature 果園鶯

Orchard Oriole 果園鶯

Birds of Belize - Warblers and Tanagers 幾種鶯和山雀

Western Tanager 山雀

Robin eats a worm 知更鳥

American Gold Finch{In Sumac tree} 金翅雀

My Bodyguards (Finch,Warbler,Starling)

Red-winged Blackbird 紅翼鶇

American Redstart 鶇

Blue Jay 藍鬆鴉

Northern Mockingbird Sings 模仿鳥

ヒレンジャク (Birds: Japanese Waxwing) 連雀洗澡

Waxwing - a music video with commentary  連雀 MV

Cedar Waxwings 連雀

鳴禽 英文名songbird

    鳴禽 巢的結構相當精巧。如雲雀、百靈等多以細草或動物的毛發編織成皿狀巢,巢的邊緣與地表平齊, 而柳鶯、麻雀等常用樹葉、草莖、草根、苔蘚等編織成球狀巢。鳴禽是重要的食蟲鳥類,在繁殖季節裏它們能捕捉大量危害農業生產的害蟲。

相關知識:鳴禽黃鸝畫眉百靈Birding Basics