Win for Kobe!
文章來源: longhair2013-04-13 08:46:41



昨晚最後一次倒下,他一瘸一拐地挪到罰球線,兩罰兩中。 然後,他的臉上幾乎沒有痛苦的表情、幾乎沒有任何表情,自己慢慢地走向場邊,走出了他最近已經每場幾乎連續奮戰四十八分鍾的賽場。

賽後,看他接受采訪,聽他說sad, 聽他說no, I can't play through。他紅了的雙眼、哽咽的聲音,我不忍看不忍聽,忍不住淚上眼眶。

我不懂什麽是torn achilles,問。壇子的人說,就是腳筋斷了,跟劉翔一樣的傷,運動員可能有的最嚴重的傷之一。可科比,他居然可以回到場上,可以靠一隻腳兩罰全中,可以自己走下去,可以麵無痛色,怎樣的一種堅強!


From black Mamba's facebook (ZT)

This is such BS! All the training and sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I've done millions of times! The frustration is unbearable. The anger is rage. Why the hell did this happen ?!? Makes no damn sense. Now I'm supposed to come back from this and be the same player Or better at 35?!? How in the world am I supposed to do that??

I have NO CLUE. Do I have the consistent will to... overcome this thing? Maybe I should break out the rocking chair and reminisce on the career that was. Maybe this is how my book ends. Maybe Father Time has defeated me...Then again maybe not! It's 3:30am, my foot feels like dead weight, my head is spinning from the pain meds and I'm wide awake. Forgive my Venting but what's the purpose of social media if I won't bring it to you Real No Image?? Feels good to vent, let it out. To feel as if THIS is the WORST thing EVER! Because After ALL the venting, a real perspective sets in. There are far greater issues/challenges in the world then a torn achilles. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, find the silver lining and get to work with the same belief, same drive and same conviction as ever.

One day, the beginning of a new career journey will commence. Today is NOT that day.

"If you see me in a fight with a bear, prey for the bear". Ive always loved that quote. Thats "mamba mentality" we don't quit, we don't cower, we don't run. We endure and conquer.

I know it's a long post but I'm Facebook Venting LOL. Maybe now I can actually get some sleep and be excited for surgery tomorrow. First step of a new challenge. 

Guess I will be Coach Vino the rest of this season. I have faith in my teammates. They will come thru. 

Thank you for all your prayers and support. Much Love Always.

Mamba Out