西雅圖夜未眠(六)-----Lodge Lake
文章來源: chris20042007-10-05 18:16:36

西雅圖夜未眠(六)-----Lodge Lake

西雅圖最近一直陰雨連綿。我們就選的trail往東走。那邊不下雨。我們一路上行駛在公路上為周圍的美景所陶醉。要欣賞大自然的色彩,最好的時機莫過於秋天。喜歡秋天這種實實在的感覺,它的線條清晰,色彩平淡,它不需要點綴,它不做作,也不妖豔。因為是陰天,走trail沒有幾個人。我們兩家就象一個大部隊在森林裏一樣。孩子們每次出來都是好開心。走了2邁我們到了Lodge Lake。它是一個很小的湖。這裏太安靜了。仿佛是夢想裏的景致。淡藍的湖水在青山的包圍下,顯得特別的清澈。我們大家都希望一直坐在這裏享受簡單,安靜........

Trip Stats:

Location: Snoqualmie Pass, WA

Snoqualmie Pass provides access to a number of trails including the Pacific Crest Trail, Red Pass, Snow Lake, Rachel Lake, Alaska Mountain along with many other trails. These hikes range in length from about four miles to over ten miles long. You can find information about these trails in a hiking guide from your local library or bookstore.

Elevation Gain: 900ft

Miles: 4

Trip Report:
It is a fairly easy hike and the trail is well maintained. You walk through the forest for a bit beofre the trail crosses over a couple of clear cut ski trails.You pass by Beaver Lake, and depending on the time of year, you may be assulted by bugs. After Beaver Lake, you enter the forest again and begin a gentle descent down to Lodge Lake. The Pacific Crest Trail keeps going, but you can turn off and find a couple of different spots to relax by Lodge Lake.