小天使 (943)- Two brothers and Three brothers
文章來源: 小樹苗2007-06-23 18:53:02
by ed2006

大寶這星期上了個關於介紹飛機的夏令營, 報名前看廣告吹的特好, 說要學飛機的基本飛行原理,構造, 帶學員們做飛機模型, 參觀實物等等, 雖說每天隻有三個小時而且還隻有四天,  俺還是狠狠心交了銀子, 害得LD每天不辭辛苦地兩頭跑. 問題是上了兩天後也不見大寶學什麽,也沒有帶任何材料帶回家, 問他呢, 他總說好玩開心, 再具體點就說不上來了. 直到今天他才把他做的一個飛機模型帶回來了, 很簡單的那種, 不過比他疊的紙飛機倒是飛的遠多了. 晚上臨睡前大寶突然對我說 

Mami, do you know two brothers (Wright brothers) invented the airplane? They made the plane in Ohio and then tried the flight in North Carolina. How did they think to invent the airplane? 


They are so great, they died already, right?

 Yes, the first flight happened more than one hundred years ago.

 Then, who invented the other airplanes?

 我還沒來得及回答, 大寶就自言自語地嘟囔到” may be three brothers like us.”, 隨即轉個身睡覺了. 嗬嗬, 那可是敢情好.