文章來源: 小樹苗2007-06-16 19:07:37
by A-mao

昨天早晨兒子起來,又讓老爸幫他搖搖已經鬆動的牙齒。誰知老爸還沒用上勁,牙齒就下來了。兒子一看,連出血也顧不上,衝老媽喊開了:“Yahooo, one tooth is off now! 5 dollars as dad promised.”

“Ok, Ok. You better wash your mouth now. There is a lot of blood inside. Any pain?”

“No.”兒子喝了口水,又吐出來。然後就衝老爸說:“Grace said that she got 5 dollars from toothfairylast time because she washed her tooth very clean. Do you think howmuch I can get from toothfairy?”

“I have no idea, that's toothfairy's business. ” 老爸一如既往地裝糊塗。

小人兒可不管,洗了一遍又一遍。然後拿個信封包好。到晚上回來,又從信封裏拿出來,放到枕頭下。到睡覺前,去枕頭底下看了幾次,還在那裏呢。忙著問老爸:“When does the toothfairy come to take the tooth? How much will shegive me this time?”

“No idea. However, she does not want peopleto see her, so I guess she must come in mid-night. You said that youwould get one dollar for each of your bottom tooth. ”

“But I clean it. Grace got 5 dollars.”

“Maybe toothfairy has no 1 dollar bill when she took Grace's tooth. It's the toothfairy who makes the decision.”


今天早晨醒來,一看是兩塊錢, 臉上還是笑開了花。