小天使 (892)- 老媽is too young to have a baby
文章來源: 小樹苗2007-05-27 21:24:14
by A-mao
兒子在班上受了同學的“刺激”--有同學說他媽媽生了小弟弟妹妹。兒子回家也找老媽要小弟弟妹妹呢。昨晚和老爸練完自行車,回家的路上和老爸說開了:“Mommy is going to have a baby soon.”

“ How do you know this?”

“Just a guess. I think she 's old enough to have a baby, am I right?”

“Right. You can talk to your mom, and ask her to have a baby sister or brother for you.”

“嗯,probably she needs a few years more. She might be too young.” 兒子自言自語道。


看樣子忘了自己是從那裏來的,或者是姐姐老笑他是從trash can撿來的,忘了自己是老媽生的了。
