My Top Ten Memories
文章來源: 裘教2007-06-11 18:08:56

以下是我那六歲兒子的塗鴉之作。全文我隻改了一個字,其餘的一切都照原樣保留下來了,原文是他自己於六月三號這天在計算機上敲的,敲完了他才告訴我。 征得他的同意,我把它貼到這來了。

10.Spilling Drinks

I spilled my Hic Burst drink, so I had about 90 or 80 or eighty-five or –four%.

9.My Second Favorite Chips(Pringles!)

My 2nd favorite type of chips,Pringles,I love evvvery flavor(except the flavors I havn’t tried yet!).

8.My Favorite Paragraph(which is my sister e-mailing Helen !)

My favorite paragraph is: It’s going to rain tommorow. How do you suspect to go FISHING tommorow?

7.We’re Getting New Parakeets!

My dad said we could get parakeets if I was good at school.I’m excited(not really.)!

6.Got Pushed(ouch!)

One day,I got pushed at school and got bruises on my elbow and knee.Ow,ouch!The school nurse fixed me up, and I had to stay inside.

5.Indoor Soccer

I love soccer.We usually play at LC, but we did YMCA indoor soccer one day. That’s where I used to play basketball!

Now let’s see what’s so cool about my other memories.

Ya-hoo-ya-goo-ba-wa! Expecially number 4!

4.I Can’t Forget China

Once,I really went to China.I can never forget China EVER again! But America was so fun. I even went to Disney World in Florida!!!

3.I Love My Family

I always love my family, no matter where we are.

2.Chess and Pokemon(I have a tie with them)

Chess:I love to read both of chess books. I think I like chess way too much.

Pokemon:I LOVE Pokemon a loooooooooot!

Time for My Favorite!

1.We’ll Stay Together Forever and Ever(my favorite!)

We will always be together, no matter what. We’ll stay together forever and ever.Note:We=us=my family