文章來源: 2007-07-28 07:54:47
周末經過對各大媒體報道和個人的觀察考慮,覺得下周是一個非常VOLATILE的WEEK. 我來援引CNBC的報道:

Even in these volatile times, most analysts remain optimistic about the longer-term prospects for stocks. The latest CNBC Trillion Dollar Survey of analysts showed that none of them believe this is the beginning of a bear market and 46% of those surveyed view the selloff as a buying opportunity.

"This is very similar to me to what happened in February," said Michael Cuggino, portfolio manager at Permanent Portfolio Funds. "We still think the economy is going to continue to grow and stocks will continue to move higher."

這樣的SURVEY表明空頭的力量是很強的,這585點又給注入了很大的力量. 這點從VIX的指數也可看出. 周四五的大拋一定有大FUNDS的介入,GS,MER,BSC等幾個FUNDS大概想撈回損失.現在一個不確定的因素是PAULSON和BERNANKE下一步會如何做. 他們會象三月份那樣在來救市嗎?

對於股票市場, 有小的跡象表明前會流向TECH (如AAPL,GOOG,RIMM,AMZN等的堅挺),可是DOW和NAZ的不離不分(不象1999,DOW跌NAZ漲)又令人懷疑這個假設. 這個是經濟全球化的結果.

任何賭單方向的人都要小心. MARKET 現在會瞬間變高興或悲哀.