[隨筆]麥肯: 毛主席的好學生 (圖)
文章來源: noso2008-02-13 19:44:32

JAY LENO問他,你去年這時候都快出局了,你曾想到會有今天的勝利嗎?麥肯說,毛主席說過,在黎明的曙光將到來的時候,也是最黑暗的時候。我堅信他說的是對的,堅持到底,就是勝利。



McCain's Marine son returns from Iraq
Posted: 08:08 PM ET

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Republican presidential candidate John McCain, who almost always refuses to speak on the campaign trail about his son serving in the military, got a rousing reception Wednesday when he told a private gathering of House Republican congressman that his son Jimmy — whose Marine unit had been deployed to Iraq — had arrived home from safely.

According to three GOP sources present at the closed meeting of the House Republican Conference, the Arizona senator said that when his son first arrived in the country, he reported seeing IEDs everywhere — but when he recently left, some seven months later, Iraq had become so safe he was handing out soccer balls.

According to the sources present, the congressmen greeted the news with standing ovations.

The Associated Press has reported that a plane carrying 300 Marines, including Jimmy McCain, landed at the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, International Airport on Monday.

The unit had just completed a seven-month tour of duty in Iraq. The younger McCain is a member of Bravo 11, 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Division.