
  • 博客訪問:


(2009-09-09 10:51:31) 下一個

最新Associated Press-GfK 民調顯示, 52% 受調查的老百姓說他們不同意奧巴馬的醫保改革方案。








奧巴馬的醫療改革方案必須通過。YES WE CAN是他的口號,到目前為止,他的大政府大赤字大開銷要把美國變成社會主義的計劃還沒遇到什麽太大的阻礙。但這一坎,他必須過。過了,可以繼續推行他的下一部社會主義深化改革的方案。過不了,他將寸步難行。


可是美國人民醒悟了,很多支持過他的民主黨人開始劃清界限,開始反對政府進入屬於私人經濟領域。共和黨基本上全部說NO WAY。在8月份民主黨國會議員們主持的TOWN HALL會議上,美國人民向他們的發出了怒吼:LEAVE US ALONE。

但這不會停止奧巴馬的腳步。 這個醫保的改革現在是他的改革,是OBAMACARE。今晚,他召集國會兩院聯席會議,他要想全國人民表示他必勝的決心。

是誰跟美國人民OUT OF TOUCH?






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noso 回複 悄悄話 回複westshore的評論:


"To tell us, with a straight face, that he can insure millions more people without adding to the already skyrocketing deficit, is world-class chutzpa and an insult to anyone's intelligence. To do so after an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office has already showed this to be impossible reveals the depths of moral bankruptcy behind the glittering words."

..... Thomas Sowell
noso 回複 悄悄話


Listening to a Liar
Thomas Sowell
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The most important thing about what anyone says are not the words themselves but the credibility of the person who says them.

The words of convicted swindler Bernie Madoff were apparently quite convincing to many people who were regarded as knowledgeable and sophisticated. If you go by words, you can be led into anything.

No doubt millions of people will be listening to the words of President Barack Obama Wednesday night when he makes a televised address to a joint session of Congress on his medical care plans. But, if they think that the words he says are what matters, they can be led into something much worse than being swindled out of their money.

One plain fact should outweigh all the words of Barack Obama and all the impressive trappings of the setting in which he says them: He tried to rush Congress into passing a massive government takeover of the nation's medical care before the August recess-- for a program that would not take effect until 2013!

Whatever President Obama is, he is not stupid. If the urgency to pass the medical care legislation was to deal with a problem immediately, then why postpone the date when the legislation goes into effect for years-- more specifically, until the year after the next Presidential election?

If this is such an urgently needed program, why wait for years to put it into effect? And if the public is going to benefit from this, why not let them experience those benefits before the next Presidential election?

If it is not urgent that the legislation goes into effect immediately, then why don't we have time to go through the normal process of holding Congressional hearings on the pros and cons, accompanied by public discussions of its innumerable provisions? What sense does it make to "hurry up and wait" on something that is literally a matter of life and death?

If we do not believe that the President is stupid, then what do we believe? The only reasonable alternative seems to be that he wanted to get this massive government takeover of medical care passed into law before the public understood what was in it.

Moreover, he wanted to get re-elected in 2012 before the public experienced what its actual consequences would be.

Unfortunately, this way of doing things is all too typical of the way this administration has acted on a wide range of issues.

Consider the "stimulus" legislation. Here the administration was successful in rushing a massive spending bill through Congress in just two days-- after which it sat on the President's desk for three days, while he was away on vacation. But, like the medical care legislation, the "stimulus" legislation takes effect slowly.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that it will be September 2010 before even three-quarters of the money will be spent. Some economists expect that it will not all be spent by the end of 2010.

What was the rush to pass it, then? It was not to get that money out into the economy as fast as possible. It was to get that money-- and the power that goes with it-- into the hands of the government. Power is what politics is all about.

The worst thing that could happen, from the standpoint of those seeking more government power over the economy, would be for the economy to begin recovering on its own while months were being spent debating the need for a "stimulus" bill. As the President's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, said, you can't let a crisis "go to waste" when "it's an opportunity to do things you could not do before."

There are lots of people in the Obama administration who want to do things that have not been done before-- and to do them before the public realizes what is happening.

The proliferation of White House "czars" in charge of everything from financial issues to media issues is more of the same circumvention of the public and of the Constitution. Czars don't have to be confirmed by the Senate, the way Cabinet members must be, even though czars may wield more power, so you may never know what these people are like, until it is too late.

What Barack Obama says Wednesday night is not nearly as important as what he has been doing-- and how he has been doing it.

totf 回複 悄悄話 加年律師集團的政治捐款已經超過1千3百萬美元,占各個利益集團之首。其中84%的錢都進了民主黨議員的口袋。



mehaa 回複 悄悄話 回複5speed的評論:

Right on! 5speed.

Tort reform is essential in reforming our current system, yet Obama has nothing to say about it, why? Lawyer group is on his side.
totf 回複 悄悄話 說白了,政府主導項目就像毒品。它可以做藥,但是隻能是處方藥,而且是"紅處方"。一定要嚴加管理,就如同發動戰爭。萬不得已,才可以用。

濫用紅處方,國家最後隻能像吸毒上癮的人那樣不可救藥。看看加拿大,西歐那些國家哪個有生氣?另外荷蘭在health care上的花銷是GDP的9.8%,而不是6%。http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/46/8/38980162.pdf



5speed 回複 悄悄話
民主黨人打著道德旗號,提倡幫助有困難的人固然聽起來不錯... 但是, 民主黨人顯然與各位期望看到的道德操守相差甚遠....比如美國律師行業基本上是民主黨人, 律師是最有野心,最有理智的流氓。在保險費中, 用於支付律師的費用非常非常多, 所有這些費用最終買單的都是我們這些小民! 很明顯, 民主黨一邊倒地支持美國律師行業, 從來沒有立法確立醫療事故賠償基本原則, 不敢動唯利是圖的律師一根毛.. 讓民主黨人解釋"道德操守", 這不是很諷刺嗎?
moonwalker123 回複 悄悄話 回複westshore的評論:

Great analysis, you should post it in your own blog or post it as an individual artical, very educational.

Real knowledge is true power.

Thank you!
mehaa 回複 悄悄話 回複bornin1968的評論:

America is America, America is not Europe. Get over it, I don't give a damn what Europe does, that's their own business. Over two hundred years ago our founding fathers escaped the oppression of their government and came to this land, they shedded their blood for independence, freedom and liberty. Today radical Obama and his cronies want to take this away from us in the name of "morality and helping the poor". It won't work. Call me redneck, you take away my freedom, you take my life.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複westshore的評論:


noso 回複 悄悄話 回複totf的評論:

look, 民主黨國會真霸道,不愧是左派當道:

On the House floor where President Obama spoke just a half-day earlier, two words shouted by a Republican congressman reverberated louder than the finer points of health care debate.

House Democrats seized on House rules Thursday to demand South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson offer a high-profile apology to President Obama for shouting, "You lie," during the president's health care address.

Wilson called the White House shortly after Obama's speech to say he was out of line. The White House said early Thursday that the president accepted the apology.

But that did not put the issue to rest, and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, also of South Carolina, asked Wilson to apologize on the House floor in front of his colleagues. The final vote of the day was held open by Democrats to give him an opportunity to do so, but he refused.

Democrats have threatened to censure Wilson absent such an apology. With a leadership meeting set for Thursday afternoon, it is possible they will discuss it and introduce such a measure next week even though House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had said that was not being talked about.
totf 回複 悄悄話 道德的口號終於喊出來了。可當這個口號從政客嘴裏喊出來就變味了。政客的一切目的就是當選。






想象一下,有哪個華盛頓政客現在敢,哪怕是提議,取消那些毒瘤一樣的政府福利計劃,兩房,medicaid, medicare, social security.

而這些計劃,哪一個沒有道德上良好的"初衷"? 但它們的結果卻是削弱了美國,貧瘠了美國子孫後代的土壤。如果是這樣,百年後,甚至幾十年後,現在這些叫囂"道德"的人,是否還能捫心無愧。

也許可以,隻要像愛德華 肯尼迪一樣,偷偷給教皇一封懺悔信。

Yangtsz 回複 悄悄話 westshore, you have spoken so eloquently!

這是關於整個美國社會的道德標準問題 indeed.

What is the point of fast economical growth if the society does not take care of the sick, the weak, the old and the young,
westshore 回複 悄悄話 看來隻好上課了。老中多是高學位,怎麽也學著紅脖子的被人賣了還幫著數錢的勾當?


在絕對自由經濟的條件下,WINNER TAKES ALL,所以壟斷是最可能的結局。自由市場的成立原則是鼓勵競爭,但結局隻能是壟斷,這是關於自由市場的悖論。




這就是為什麽任何國家裏保險業從來都是HIGHLY REGULATED的行業,不開放自由競爭,因為隻有政府幹預才能保證壟斷無法發生,不同的公司人為地被劃分市場。美國360幾家醫療保險公司隻有6家允許在加州經營。而6家還是實力相當的檔次。





其實奧巴馬的PUBLIC OPTION最終的結果就是政府單一的醫保計劃。因為盡管是作為參與競爭的概念提出的,但私營保險業根本無法與之競爭,因為範圍不可能比政府的大。政府的不用考慮盈利,沒有為了競爭而設立的CLAIM文件係統(現在占私營公司的40%費用,與醫療無關),最大的投保範圍,結果就是最省錢的醫保。

當然作為政客,奧巴馬政府從來不會這麽說清楚,但保險業自己很清楚結局是什麽,是完蛋或是pickup something that government left,但市場份額就很有限了,所以拚死反對。




mehaa 回複 悄悄話 回複bornin1968的評論:
Are you kidding, Do you know what you are saying, you really mean what you said??

90% of my family members are moderate liberals, some of them voted for Obama last year, but all of them now are opposing his plan. Why? they are not republicans. They are just ordinary americans. You need to do your homework before opening your big mouth.

Insurance companies are all devils, how about drug corparations who make just as much money as insurance companies, how about lawyers who always find a way to sue you to death. Why don't Obama mention those groups, because they are in bed with him. They are cutting the deals with him behind the scene. Don't evey fool yourself. Obama is just another partyism politician, business as usual, even worse. Are those changes you want to believe in?
bornin1968 回複 悄悄話 我不明白,你能負擔起貴的快遞公司,但有人願意選擇便宜的美國郵政。這有什麽矛盾嗎?

奧巴馬一意孤行要改變美國的醫療就是因為美國現有醫療製度已經到了破產的地步了,那些保險公司壟斷唯利是圖,但還有有幾千萬美國人沒有醫保,一生病就要破產 -- 和中國有的揮,而和其他有醫保的國家,英國,法國,加拿大 -- 大部分歐洲發達國家沒得比。。。你當然是不會明白這個道理的。。。你也可以象在這篇文章這樣強詞奪理。。。共產黨和共和黨是不關注普通民眾,所謂隻要黨性沒有人性的。。。
totf 回複 悄悄話 醫保和車保,現在這是最容易拿來比較的兩個保險。


許多政府項目的初衷都是好的,但最後都造成了惡果,像兩房危機,medicare, medicaid, social security.

totf 回複 悄悄話 政府賺錢?天大的笑話。



Yangtsz 回複 悄悄話 我支持奧巴馬,雖然不大會喊口號。


奧巴馬的目的是把health care這個大餅裝進政府的口袋,可以坐享20%的手續費,以及由現在非法移民轉變的將來選票。

mehaa 回複 悄悄話 回複westshore的評論:


The point is not whether we need healthcare reform or not, the point is how we are going to reform. As a senator, Obama voted against every single healthcare bill proposed by GOP. Obama wants what only Obama like. Obamacare is more politics than healthcare reform, people know it. He can not just sneak it through. This is people's country, not Obama's country. Your obama fan better be aware of this!

Yangtsz 回複 悄悄話 有錢人總是有選擇的。醫改也不會讓私人好醫生關門。不過給不那麽有錢的人一條活路。就象免費公立學校,文明富裕社會的低線罷了。





奧巴馬和他的追隨者連這個道理都不懂嗎? 怎麽會不懂?!奧巴馬為什麽還要一意孤行?因為這是他要的改革,他要的,不是老百姓要的,明白?
westshore 回複 悄悄話 簡直就是那種所謂語言的巨人,行動的矮子。
有本事先把社會主義性質的有政府統一管理的SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE先給廢了,看一幫共和黨紅脖子老幫菜們不把你廢了。

美國醫療費用占GDP16%,在23個NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE調查過的發達國家中最高,排第二的不到10%,最好的荷蘭6%,但荷蘭醫生與病人的比率是美國的兩倍。


醫療保險社會化是趨勢,尤其是富裕國家,美國是世界上發達國家唯一沒有的,也是60歲以後的人的生活質量在23個發達國家是最差的,人的平均壽命在23個發達國家裏排第23位。這是NEWS HOUR的醫療專題對NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE的采訪的內容。

totf 回複 悄悄話 如果認為政府醫保會降低開銷,那真是秀豆了。

原因是政府降低福利開銷就會得罪選票。所以政府的項目都隻會越來越大,而且不計成本。最終造成的赤字可就不是現在計算的1個或者2個trillion, 而是上百個。


totf 回複 悄悄話 奧巴馬與其支持者除了喊口號還是喊口號。

奧巴馬的目的是把health care這個大餅裝進政府的口袋,可以坐享20%的手續費,以及由現在非法移民轉變的將來選票。

半世 回複 悄悄話 美國醫療製度實在是有大問題。是要改。如今的自由選擇其實有點扯淡。其實老百姓基本上沒有什麽選擇。如果是製度有問題,為什麽不可以改製度呢?雖然不是很喜歡奧巴馬,但是他想改醫療製度,沒有什麽錯。比天天喊反恐強。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複劉大叔的評論:

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複全方位的評論:

事實是有保險的一直在給沒保險的買單. 沒保險的看了病就跑,保險公司最後隻能漲有保險的保費。
劉大叔 回複 悄悄話
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複漢代蜜瓜的評論:




奧巴馬和他的追隨者連這個道理都不懂嗎? 怎麽會不懂?!奧巴馬為什麽還要一意孤行?因為這是他要的改革,他要的,不是老百姓要的,明白?
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複xz1980的評論:

good point, thanks.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複littlebirds的評論:

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複beijistar的評論:

exactly!!! Thanks.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複秦垣川的評論:

I am proud to be an independent conservative. You can be a socialist if you want to. This is a free country.

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複mehaa的評論:

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複haha的評論:

好觀點,you nailed it! 謝謝。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複qwertzfy的評論:

漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,記得當年也有人罵羅斯福是社會主義分子,而他卻無可爭議地成為美國曆史上最偉大的總統之一。



noso 回複 悄悄話 共和黨醫生議員的發言

Good evening. I'm Dr. Charles Boustany, and I'm proud to serve the people of Louisiana's 7th congressional district. I'm also a heart surgeon, with more than 20 years of experience during which I saw firsthand the need for lowering health cost.

Republicans are pleased that President Obama came to the Capitol tonight. We agree much needs to be done to lower the cost of health care for all Americans.

On that goal, Republicans are ready, and we've been ready to work with the president for common-sense reforms that our nation can afford.

"Afford" is an important word. Our country's facing many challenges. The cost of health care is rising. Federal spending is soaring. We're piling huge debt on our children. And families and small businesses are struggling through a jobless recovery with more than 2.4 million private sector jobs lost since February.

It's clear, the American people want health care reform.

But they want their elected leaders to get it right.

Most Americans wanted to hear the president tell Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid and the rest of the Congress that it's time to start over on a common-sense, bipartisan plan focused on lowering the cost of health care while improving quality.

That's what I've heard over the past several months, in talking to thousands of my constituents.

Replacing your family's current health care with government-run health care is not the answer. In fact, it will make health care much more expensive.

That's not just my personal diagnosis as a doctor or a Republican. It's the conclusion of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the neutral scorekeeper that determines the cost of major bills.

I read the bill Democrats passed through committee in July. It creates 53 new government bureaucracies, adds hundreds of billions to our national debt and raises taxes on job creators by $600 billion.

And it cuts Medicare by $500 billion, while doing virtually nothing to make the program better for our seniors.

The president had a chance, tonight, to take the government-run health care off the table. Unfortunately, he didn't do it.

We can do better with a targeted approach that tackles the biggest problems. Here are four areas -- four important areas where we can agree, right now.

One, all individuals should have access to coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions.

Two, individuals, small businesses and other groups should be able to join together to get health insurance at lower prices, the same way large businesses and labor unions do.

Three, we can provide assistance to those who still cannot access a doctor.

And four, insurers should be able to offer incentives for wellness care and prevention.

That's something particularly important to me. I operated on too many people who could have avoided surgery if they'd made simply -- simply made healthier choices earlier in life.

We do have ideas the president has agreed with. We're grateful the president mentioned medical liability reform and we hope he's serious. We need to establish tough liability reform standards, encourage speedy resolution of claims, and deter junk lawsuits that drive up the cost of care.

Real reform must do this.

Let's also talk about letting families and businesses buy insurance across state lines. I and many other Republicans believe that that will provide real choice and competition to lower the cost of health insurance. Unfortunately, the president disagrees.

You can read more about all of these reforms at healthcare.gop.gov. These are common sense reforms that we can achieve right now without destroying jobs, exploding the deficit, rationing care, or taking away the freedoms American families cherish.

This Congress can pass meaningful reform soon to reduce some of the fear and anxiety families are feeling in these very difficult times. Working together in a bipartisan way, we can truly lower the cost of health care, while improving quality for the American people.

I'm Dr. Charles Boustany. Thank you for listening.

秦蘭燕 回複 悄悄話 英國的公費醫療很好啊. 台灣的全民醫療保險又便宜,服務質量又好.是近年來剛建立的. 美國的私人醫保的錢大部分給保險公司賺去了.美國的醫療保險是全世界最昂貴的. 連中產階層都生不起大病. 這樣的醫療保險係統還不該改革? 我讚賞奧巴馬克服阻力堅持醫療改革的勇氣.但推行醫改是重大的變革. 所以非常困難. 製定的方針策略也難免完全正確.
qwertzfy 回複 悄悄話 這就是美國在上次共產主義浪潮裏麵獨善其身的原因。傾向個人主義的美國不喜歡烏托邦,不喜歡奶媽政府,更強調個人責任。
全方位 回複 悄悄話 一看這題目就知道是noso的
haha 回複 悄悄話 Well, it sounds perfect everyone has medical insurance. how about everyone has free meal? The problem is where is the money come from? who is going to control the 17% GDP? Obama is absolutely a socialist.
mehaa 回複 悄悄話 Reid will be kicked out next year. Pelosi needs more botox. Obama is wondering how the hell the right-wingers found out my green job czar is a 9/11 truther and self-admitted communist.
mehaa 回複 悄悄話 You nailed it, buddy.

I don't care how he wants to overhaul our healthcare system, I am all for it as long as Washington politicians are on the same policy with me, otherwise, no, hell no. If Obamacare is so good, why don't politicians jump into it, simple and plain. Think about it, kool-aid drinkers.

firm 回複 悄悄話 人人醫保實際就是人人沒有醫保。
秦垣川 回複 悄悄話 Your arguments are all copied (translated) from the right wing talking points. What is new?

The simple fact is that the US spends the most on health care in the world and gets the worst care among all the industrial countries. Why do you think this should be left unchanged? If there is any place where CHANGE is needed, health care is the one!
beijistar 回複 悄悄話 現在的醫抱是不好,是需要改革,但不是這樣改,至今為止OBAMA除了喊口號煽動人心,那裏有看到實際的改革方案,他避開改革具體細節不談是因為他那些所謂改革方案根本就見不得光,有腦子的人都知道政府醫抱會有多糟糕,談細節對他根本不利.照OBAMA的社會主義道路走下去,經濟沒有最糟隻有更糟.
littlebirds 回複 悄悄話 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/08/business/economy/08sorkin.html?dbk
xz1980 回複 悄悄話 There are a lot of debates on the high healthcare cost in US. I believe the real reason of high health cost is the artificially inflated Dr's salary.

This problem primarily attributes to the AMA (American Medical Association), an institution which effectively enforces a chronic supply shortage in addition to unnecessary demand. The educational system is strangled by the withholding nature of the AMA, which requires every dr practices in US to have residency in US (even for well experienced froeign Drs). On the other hand, the AMA restricted number of residency slots available. This environment prevents equilibrium from occurring, or the AMA effectively enforces a chronic supply shortage to the increasing demand. By eliminating competition, Drs can maintain high salary.

AMA’s monopoly on the production of Drs has to be removed. Let the free market decide the price. Capitalism is best at determining fair value when you don't have unions controlling supply of labor or politicians picking winners or greedy monopolies eliminating competition. In the free market environment, the Drs have to provide good service at reasonable price to stay in the market in which the consumer will benefit.

Without free market in the production of Dr, the country will be dragged deep to the sea. Any reform without changing current monopoly in production of Drs will not work.
真人不露麵 回複 悄悄話 Support Obama medical reform all the way!!!!

Don't you know under the current medical system, cancer patients can never buy medical insurance as a individual. Is it ridicules? No wonder 2/3 of bankruptcy families related to medical bills.
huangshang 回複 悄悄話 回複Yangtsz的評論:
You're right, 中產階級一有大病,即使有醫保, 也會破產。更不用說萬一失業,如何支付昂貴的個人醫保。
Yangtsz 回複 悄悄話 也很不理解!
都特有錢,還是不怕死?或者以為自己永遠健康?很窮的人已經有社會醫保。中產階級一有大病,即使有醫保, 也會破產。更不用說萬一失業,如何支付昂貴的個人醫保。

firm 回複 悄悄話 人人醫保實際就是人人沒有醫保。
firm 回複 悄悄話 共產主義聽上去也很好啊?可是那個本質就是獨裁專製剝奪人的自由選擇的權利嘛。
totf 回複 悄悄話 讓政府包辦,就是不計成本的追求低效率。

ingodwetrustforever 回複 悄悄話 醫保好啊, Canada有人人醫保.
人丹 回複 悄悄話 很不理解美國人為什麽不支持社會醫保?富人不支持可以理解,窮人為什麽也不支持呢?
飄俠 回複 悄悄話 沒看懂,Noso寫了些什麽?

英子Yingzi 回複 悄悄話 醫保是不好啊?