This guy is hard to dispose, because if you bring him to court h

來源: borisg 2018-10-11 08:54:57 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (0 bytes)
回答: 一般要等多久可以趕人?floweryrose2018-10-11 08:48:07


後麵的看不到了,請重發一次,目前沒有租金合同 -floweryrose- 給 floweryrose 發送悄悄話 (188 bytes) () 10/11/2018 postreply 08:57:48

he will pay rent, case dismissed. -borisg- 給 borisg 發送悄悄話 borisg 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2018 postreply 09:00:19

我現在的租金太低了,而且他也不按時給,我想趕人,3 day notice怎麽發 -floweryrose- 給 floweryrose 發送悄悄話 (106 bytes) () 10/11/2018 postreply 09:05:01

Suggest you to get a lawyer to do the first time, then you learn -borisg- 給 borisg 發送悄悄話 borisg 的博客首頁 (90 bytes) () 10/11/2018 postreply 09:09:26

我要花多少錢請律師,太多我就花不起了 -floweryrose- 給 floweryrose 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2018 postreply 09:10:34

Go to the court, there are lawyers there. -borisg- 給 borisg 發送悄悄話 borisg 的博客首頁 (153 bytes) () 10/11/2018 postreply 09:18:04

威脅趕人又給了一半,說明天再給一半 -floweryrose- 給 floweryrose 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2018 postreply 11:15:10
