really!? you have some tricks? I used NJstar on my PC, I can

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回答: 一個人的旅行,真不錯!mengxu2008-04-11 09:30:40

type a phase, for example: here, I only type "zhl", which is good enough, but with MAC, I have to type word by word, and spell out for every single word, it's so difficult to me.


MAC OX自己有中文輸入 -冬夢- 給 冬夢 發送悄悄話 冬夢 的博客首頁 (60 bytes) () 04/11/2008 postreply 10:04:21

我用mac啊,你打z, 第二個就是“這”,不難啊。打zl第一個是”這裏“ -lilywxc- 給 lilywxc 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/11/2008 postreply 10:05:44

去下載Google的拚音輸入法吧。NJstar is so outdated。。。 -Chuchairen- 給 Chuchairen 發送悄悄話 Chuchairen 的博客首頁 (31 bytes) () 04/11/2008 postreply 10:10:36
