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A lost girl's diary: The hidden anguish of Alexandra Valoras

Alexandra Valoras would look so familiar to so many parents — the sweet little girl singing and dancing her way through her teen years, recognized for achieving outside the home, and thoroughly cherished inside it. "Alexandra, she was such a happy girl, so motivated and so just full of life," said her mother, Alysia.


Just weeks after a family ski vacation, this 17-year-old high school junior, straight-A student, class officer and robotics whiz made her bed, tidied her room, and then walked to a highway overpass in Grafton, Massachusetts.

She jumped. 

Her father, Dean Valoras, described finding her: "I leaned over the embankment and looked down and I saw her. I was just hoping for warmth. But there was no warmth; there was none. And all the cars kept driving by. And my daughter's on the side of the road. Nobody saw this. And she's cold."

Nearby, Dean and Alysia found two journals in their daughter's belongings. Her final entry, written just hours before her death, while listening to a playlist she entitled "Good-bye":


Flipping through pages, Dean showed correspondent Jim Axelrod some of the entries: "October 20, I'm so lost, I'm so hopeless, I am so worthless."

There were phrases and words such as "I'm not good enough, I'm worthless."  "These things that we never heard," Alysia said. "There was just so much joy in everything she did, and it doesn't match what was in the journal."

Two-hundred pages of self-loathing and despair, written in Alexandra's own hand.

You are broken.
You are a burden.
'You are lazy.
You are a failure.

Alexandra was a highly-motivated achiever, "but that's how she felt inside," said her mom.

Such a sharp and confusing contrast to who they thought was their happy oldest child, strumming her way through adolescence, and still talking to her parents. "It doesn't seem possible," Alysia said. "But it's what reality was, because it's written right there." 

With teen suicide at a 40-year high for young women Alexandra's age, and now the second-leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds of both sexes, this disconnect is what most haunts Dean and Alysia Valoras. The girl who seemed to love it when her parents took her to a concert by the Scottish rock group Biffy Clyro, went home and wrote: "I hated it. I just wanted to be alone."  

Two weeks before she died, on March 19, 2018, Alexandra's robotic team won regionals, and a place in the international finals. "We were there that day, and she was so excited, but none of that made the journal," said Alysia.

Instead, the next entry read: "I need an excuse as to why I'm doing poorly."


The journals were a complete shock to her English teacher Tim Freitas. Axelrod asked him, "Her intellect, her candle power, where does that rank out of nine years' worth of high school kids?"

"Number one or number two, absolutely," he replied.

Alexandra had confided in him that she was having a hard time staying motivated, but Freitas chalked it up to teenage angst. "It's always playing back, how would you do things differently now that the outcome has been seen," he said. 

"You still wrestling with that?"

"Of course. How do I go forward and have kids sit right in front of me, and I don't have a clue what's going on in their personal lives, but still try and figure out if something is going on?"

Her friends are also haunted.  "I think we all carry a little guilt," said Molly Turner. "Because we all though we knew her so well. And it's like, how did I not see that?"

Turner and Zoe Mahoney were two of Alexandra's closest friends at Blackstone Valley Technical High School. They were in engineering shop together.

Alexandra wrote about the shop in her journal: "A hangout with my shop is some place I can let my guard down a bit more. I shouldn't do this really.  I am pretty sure they've noticed I've been out of it for awhile, but I don't want to concern them."

Axelrod asked, "When you hear that, does it make you happy to know that was a safe place for her, or something else?"

"It's like, I feel so happy that she was able to let her guard down, but I feel like she shouldn't have had to have a guard up at all, like, at any time," Turner replied. 

"I think we noticed that she was a little more stressed than usual," Mahoney said. "But with junior year, everyone's stressed. It's normal to stress."

Many of Scott White's 40 years as a guidance counselor were spent in affluent New Jersey communities full of high-achieving kids. He said, "I have more kids who are cutting, who are attempting suicide, who are entering in-patient facilities, students who in the past would've been considered the sort of model students.

"We have a culture that makes kids think that if they're not perfect, they're less than good," he said. 

Alexandra's journal includes a checklist: "What will get me into MIT? Valedictorian, first robotics captain, 100 plus hours service award, model U.N., attend both conferences, win." 

Axelrod asked, "Is there something wrong with these goals?"

"There's no balance on these goals," White replied. "Not every person can reach them. Whether that child can reach them, it's sort of unknown. But if she did, there would be another goal beyond that. You know that and I know that."

For Alexandra, nothing was good enough. Alysia said, "There was no pressure that you have to get into this school, you have to do this. She put that pressure on herself."

"I don't want this notebook to end, I love it more than myself (?) I need a place where there is no need for me to be perfect."

Dean said, "What Alexandra was drifting towards as you read through the journal is a place of unhealthy thinking. And I would probably wager that there's some type of mental diagnosis that could have been done."

Which is why Dean and Alysia Valoras are taking the crippling pain public that most keep private, leading suicide prevention walks, and visiting schools to share Alexandra's story.

He said, "The hurt, the sadness is evolving. And now there is this thing called living, so that I am a good father, a good husband, a good person."

They hope that in sharing the story of their daughter, maybe another family will be spared this trauma.

Alexandra's last journal entry, dated March 18, 2018, read: "What I will miss by dying tonight. The possibility of anything getting better."

Alysia said, "There's a lot of other kids out there that are like her, that are high-achievers, that are balancing a lot. That's what makes her very relatable, and why it's affecting people, and why they are listening because I have a child like this, too."

And in the pain of what Alexandra wrote to her parents in her final entry hours before she took her life ("Don't blame yourselves for not seeing warning signs") is also what the Valoras family hopes to salvage from her death – some meaning for others. 

Last summer, the morning after an interview was published, they found this note on their doorstep, signed "A Friend": "What you have said in Alexandra's article truly changed my life."

Alysia said. "Knowing that families are talking to their kids about their mental health, it lets me know that she didn't die in vain. She's having such a huge impact. And that feels really good." 




看這段。是不是很熟悉啊? -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (1432 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:21:39

從小拔尖兒長大的孩子壓力太大了 -數與形- 給 數與形 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:25:17

沒有。看到這裏一些劇透 -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:29:50

我其實對這女孩的父母有點疑問。他們說一點征兆都沒有。但是她日記寫了200多頁。這麽不happy。真的沒有一點征兆嗎? -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:38:48

有的孩子整天把自己關在房間裏,有的幾乎不跟父母說話,父母可能真看不出征兆。 -數與形- 給 數與形 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:55:16

前一年的10月 學校英文老師就已經通知她媽有問題了 -violinpiano- 給 violinpiano 發送悄悄話 (196 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:21:34

Heartbreaking -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:44:31

花了很長時間,耐心把全文仔細讀完了,心痛不已。真希望能夠做點什麽,阻止這件事發生。太令人傷心了。 -圓夢瑤- 給 圓夢瑤 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 18:21:39

性格問題,太好性人格分裂,說的是電視劇啊 -宗闋- 給 宗闋 發送悄悄話 宗闋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:56:06

我就是偶爾瞄一眼,藝考,高考都被異型化了,國內孩子和家長都沒那麽簡單 -宗闋- 給 宗闋 發送悄悄話 宗闋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 10:07:53

父女二人都是文青. -得瑟一下- 給 得瑟一下 發送悄悄話 (243 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:32:20

沒看懂這段。大概是天黑看不見。第二天早上才被發現。她爸是事後在現場的感受吧 -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:35:38

這裡 -violinpiano- 給 violinpiano 發送悄悄話 (3293 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:39:47

原來如此.謝謝 -得瑟一下- 給 得瑟一下 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:52:10

會不會是因為幾天前被M拒了? -violinpiano- 給 violinpiano 發送悄悄話 (133 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:35:32

當時是Junior -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:37:24

對,我們一直是這個態度 -dandinglity- 給 dandinglity 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:37:40

哈哈哈,我家阿呆昨天回家很高興的說,新的英文老師說了, -章介- 給 章介 發送悄悄話 (250 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:48:13

好多老師們讀的大學我都沒聽說過。還都有masters -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:50:54

掰掰: -章介- 給 章介 發送悄悄話 (576 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:00:57

好學校的確好。主要是資源好。各種機會都多太多。美國說是人人平等機會平等。其實最看出身資曆那些。 -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:03:57

從紫檀培訓過的父母,會發現世界原來一望無際 -宗闋- 給 宗闋 發送悄悄話 宗闋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:53:02

牛蛙看太多了,慢慢的我都失去了罵阿呆阿瓜的勇氣了 -章介- 給 章介 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:10:21

enjoy what you have. -lzh0007- 給 lzh0007 發送悄悄話 lzh0007 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 10:13:00

她喜歡機器人啊。說在shop是最開心的地方。也有幾個誌同道合一起做機器人的女生好朋友 -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:43:38

她可能是depression 吧,在旁人眼裏的絢爛奪目,但nobody knows how she felt inside -加州陽光123- 給 加州陽光123 發送悄悄話 加州陽光123 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 08:42:09

+1 想起robin Williams 了 -backyardfun- 給 backyardfun 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:12:40

還有做節目的那個大廚 -數與形- 給 數與形 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:16:08

唉,那也是個super depressive 電影。娃們大概找不到共鳴 -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:20:08

天呢,我都不愛看,難怪你家不愛學中文 -宗闋- 給 宗闋 發送悄悄話 宗闋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:22:56

不覺得,隻能說別生在那個時代才是幸運的,那不叫活著是苟活,你有點憂慮? -宗闋- 給 宗闋 發送悄悄話 宗闋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:34:35

那不一樣,不同年代的難相差很遠,沒法借鑒,苟活也就是殘喘,跟死也沒什麽兩樣了 -宗闋- 給 宗闋 發送悄悄話 宗闋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 11:02:02

糾正一下, 這發生在麻州,不是新州 -oldbridge- 給 oldbridge 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:25:21

對。是麻州的。文章裏采訪的康色了是新州的 -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:32:13

什麽情況都有,不一概而論 -blueflame- 給 blueflame 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 09:46:00

覺得寫日記有時反而會放大負麵情緒,自己說服自己去做傻事 -oldbridge- 給 oldbridge 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 10:03:16

5尺9 -greenoasis- 給 greenoasis 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 10:19:40

不厚道地說,真進了MIT也是大概率自殺。若幹年前,諾貝爾獎得主,分子免疫學奠基人、神經生物學巨牛利根川進的兒子在MIT自殺。牛牛 -Heiyaya- 給 Heiyaya 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 16:03:00

我想「考試升學」的地方沒有像美國這麼多的自殺。美國的考大學方法很有問題。 -wlwt123- 給 wlwt123 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2019 postreply 18:28:00

問題是,如何才能走進孩子的內心? -塵之極- 給 塵之極 發送悄悄話 (56 bytes) () 08/25/2019 postreply 13:16:42

小中男再優秀,最後提幹時還是看你的皮膚。此女不會利用自己皮膚的優勢。 -leonardo2025- 給 leonardo2025 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/26/2019 postreply 00:25:10

太可惜了,也不能怨誰,有的人天生happiness激素分泌不多。 -emplid- 給 emplid 發送悄悄話 emplid 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/26/2019 postreply 05:24:37

有學問,不等於有智慧。 -riohammer- 給 riohammer 發送悄悄話 riohammer 的博客首頁 (761 bytes) () 08/26/2019 postreply 09:43:16

我覺得就是美國的那種“人人有獎”的教育方式的後果 -lzr- 給 lzr 發送悄悄話 (846 bytes) () 08/26/2019 postreply 10:54:29

