
來源: 863211 2020-11-25 19:20:29 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2222 bytes)
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1。 2019 8月通知麵試,到麵試前一周被取消,在8月期間合法的買過管控的東東。其它沒有任何的特別的事。

2。 2019 9月通知麵試, 麵試前一天被取消. 在10 月打過電話問谘, 說做進一步的additional review

3。 2019 12月通知     麵試前一周被取消

4。 2020  11 月通知, 麵試前一周被取消 (This is to advise you that, as requested, (以前寫:due to unforeseen circumstances), we have canceled the interview on December xx, 2020 for the above applicant. We will advise you of any further action taken on this case, including any rescheduled interview information, decision is made, or ask provide somethings from, under separate notice.

問題是: 如果有問題,不應通知麵試,如果通知麵試, 說明沒有問題, 哪為什麽又不斷麵試通知/取消?

-This is not unusual, and it does not mean there is a problem in your case. Probably the IO who is in charge of your case had  ocassional schedule conflicted with your appointment, especially due to Covid 19. So, just wait.


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