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回答: 請教8老師關於父母申綠卡和填表問題kfby2020-11-09 12:45:55

請教8老師關於父母申綠卡和填表問題. 非常感謝!
    1. I94 number, 倒數第二位是字母,pdf表不讓填怎麽辦?可以打印出來以後手填嗎?-Yes.

    2. 46d, I94上的experiation date是5/20/2020,已過期,4月遞交延期現在還pending(原來沒打算深綠卡,現在眼看著延期批不下來,老太太腿腳不好又回不去才申綠卡)。請問 expiration date還填5/20/2020對嗎?-Yes.

然後在part 9解釋延期 I539 extension pending?-Not need. It will not affect your parents I-485 approval, anyway.
    3.  如果這幾天延期批準了i94就應該算是experiation11/20/2020對嗎?-Yes, the new I-94 expirationd date if it is approved before the I-485 filing.
    4. 如果11/20之前隻提交I130,11/20之後也可以算合法拘留嗎?還是11/20之前必須也提交485?-They had better file I-485 together with the I-130. Thus, they can legally stay no matter whether the B2 extenson is approved or not.

    5. 60b USCIS office 是寫我們local城市的,-Yes, fill the USCIS Field Office which covers your area.還是寫我應該遞交的center (chicago)? 
    6. 父母離婚,是否就提供離婚證明公證就好了?結婚證明不需要了吧?-Need to provide both marriage and divorce certificates.
    7. I485,part 1 ,19讓填nonimmigration visa number from this passport. 可是有效簽證在過期的passport上,還可以填這裏嗎?-Yes, put the visa number which they used to enter US for the last entry.


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