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父母以前探親來過美國, 現在在國內, 



What was the beneficiary's class of admission?

-Because your parents is not currently present in US, just leave Item# 46.a. to 46. d. in Part 4 (Page 7) blank, but Choose "Yes" to Item# 45 and fill the passport number in Item# 47 of Part 4 which they used for the lastest entry to US.

這個需要選擇B2嗎? 選了的話, 就會問i94的問題, 可是他們的i94離開的時候已經交了, 找不到了


多謝!請問有沒有網上填表的攻略? -pelicandr- 給 pelicandr 發送悄悄話 (101 bytes) () 08/15/2020 postreply 11:43:17


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