
來源: 118ibm 2021-01-15 09:18:32 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2677 bytes)

Tommy Tuberville, meet the Constitution. Constitution, Sen. Tuberville.



In an interview with the Alabama Daily News conducted shortly after his victory, Tuberville expounded on how he thinks the government operates.
"Our government wasn't set up for one group to have all three branches of government — wasn't set up that way," Tuberville said, adding: "You know, the House, the Senate, and the executive."
(In that same interview, Tuberville said his father fought in World War II "to free Europe of socialism," which [checks history book] was not what World War II was a fight against.)



moron. -done_that- 給 done_that 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/15/2021 postreply 09:21:50

Jeff Sessions想再次選參議員,共和黨黨內初選就敗給了他,一個不知道美國three branches是什麽的人 -一笑拉- 給 一笑拉 發送悄悄話 (121 bytes) () 01/15/2021 postreply 09:26:51

不知道。AL這種州,有時候我自己感覺就像是外國一樣。~ -118ibm- 給 118ibm 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/15/2021 postreply 09:28:16

美國的選舉製度就是看誰能吹牛,以後多半會是印裔的天下。 -POCOCAT- 給 POCOCAT 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/15/2021 postreply 09:58:20

不會的。在那一步之前,會先產生“印度威脅論”。 -118ibm- 給 118ibm 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/15/2021 postreply 10:08:28

不讀書自以為是。希特勒的納粹本意就是國家資本主義。和鄧黨的中國特色社會主義有什麽區別? -桃花源主- 給 桃花源主 發送悄悄話 桃花源主 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/15/2021 postreply 10:34:59
