他們有的並不僅僅是對弱者的“同理心”,還有對在美國能保證有言論自由,人權,社會公正的訴求。你不知道嗎?現在在美國已經沒有言論自由了,凡是批評以色列或猶太人的都是antisemitic, 輕著丟工作,重著被抓起來關監獄。這些話我在這裏可能還能說,在英文網站上會被刪掉或根本就發不出去。不信你可以試試:把下麵這句話copy and paste 到YouTube 上任何一個 video下,然後refresh一下,看看是不是還在。
There are many rich Jewish people in Power in America. Their influence on America is overwhelming. They can forbid free speech; fire presidents of universities; arrest students who protesting the brutal war in Gaza……They may fire the president of America too. They define what "antisemitic" is and who is "antisemitic". They control America.