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Applied for a Sales job - was told to take Gallup phone interview (personality test). Was not offered the job based on my Gallup interview results. Not sure what we get an education for if in the end, an analysis of our 'personality', based on an hour long phone interview, is taken into higher consideration.

Here are a few of the questions I was asked - maybe this will help someone prepare their responses beforehand in order to get the job.

1. How competitive are you
2. Do you hate to lose
3. do you communicate well
4. Are you a quick thinker
5. Give an example of quick thinking
6. Are you usually seek out the leadership position
7. Describe a time when you seeked out the leadership position
8. On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being highest, how competitive are you
9. Do you like to have many balls in the air
10. Describe a time when you had many balls in the air and how you handle them
11. How important is it for you to work for a well known, established company
12. Do you go the extra mile for a customer or work
13. Describe a time when you went the extra mile
14. Do you know what is right and wrong
15. Do you speak to people with candor
16. Describe a time when you spoke to someone with candor
17. Are you honest
18. On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being highest, how honest are you
19. Do you consider yourself a person with common sense
20. Describe a person with common sense
21. Do you set goals for yourself
22. Do you have to have some kind of progress everyday
23. Describe some of the progress you search for every day
24. Are you disciplined
25. Do you think that discipline helps you to be efficient and why
26. Do you have problem solving skills
27. Give a recent example of when you used problem solving skills
28. Do you do what is right even when faced with opposition
29. Give an example of when you did what was right in the face of adversity
30. Are you dependable
31. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being highest, how dependable are you
32. Give an example of how you are dependable
33. Have you ever had someone champion your cause
34. Describe a time you had someone champion your cause
35. Do you communicate well
36. Can you paint visual pictures with words
37. Do you communicate clearly
38. Describe a time you communicated clearly
39. How do you communicate clearly
40. Have you ever changed your personal life to accommodate your professional life
41. Describe a time you changed your personal life to accommodate work
42. Do you always deliver in crunch time
43. Describe a time you delivered in crunch time
44. How do you know you've gained a client's loyalty
45. Do you often take the role of the team leader
46. Describe a time when you managed others to accomplish a goal
47. Do you ever get angry
48. Do others know it when you're angry
49. Do you have a certain routine you live by
50. How do you go about accomplishing your goals
51. Do you like to think of many things at the same time
52. How important is it to you to be the best
53. Do you think you accomplish more than others
54. Give an example of when you've accomplished more than others
55. Describe your biggest/best sale
56. Why do you consider this to be your biggest/best sale
57. What trends do you foresee in the business
58. How will this affect the business
59. How important is it for you to be the best
60. Are you a pushy person
61. When you speak do you speak with authority
62. Do you often lead the conversation
63. Do you keep records
64. Describe how you keep records
65. Do you like you contests
66. Describe a contest you have been in
67. Describe the pace you keep
68. Do you ever go out of your way to make a sale
69. Describe a time you went out of your way to make a sale
70. Do you do favors to make a sale
71. How important do you think it is to be technically knowledgeable about your product
72. Do you consider yourself politically savvy
73. Why do you consider yourself politically savvy
74. Do you keep up to date in your industry/field
75. How do you keep up to date in your field
76. How do you organize your day
77. Do you have good follow up skills
78. Describe a time when you followed up
79. How do you deal with not reaching your goals
80. How do work without set goals
81. How important is it to you to be professional
82. What makes you professional
83. Are you a quick thinker
84. Illustrate your quick thinking
85. Do you consider yourself good at persuading people
86. How do you persuade people
87. Do you come up with many ideas
88. Describe a time you came up with many ideas
89. How many ways do you think there are to solve a problem
90. Why do you think there are so many ways to solve a problem
91. Do you consider yourself to be analytical
92. How important is it to research you customers before you call
93. How do you attain your goals
94. What do you wish to accomplish in the future
95. What has been your biggest accomplishment
96. Do you like a challenge
97. Describe a time you accepted a challenge
98. Do you challenge others
99. Do you get your drive for results from your superior or yourself
100. Describe a time when you were the best at something
101. How do you like to communicate
102. How do you know someone is being dishonest
103. Do you prefer a set salary or a commission type job
104. Why do you prefer a commission/salary type job
105. Do you have a code of ethics
106. Describe your code of ethics
107. Do you keep promises
108. Describe a time you kept a promise
109. Why is it important to you to keep a promise
110. Is there anything else you would like to add at this point to better help us make our decision


謝謝糊糊 :) -小泡泡- 給 小泡泡 發送悄悄話 小泡泡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/01/2010 postreply 15:23:45
